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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Brazing Inspection
- By firstpass (**) Date 12-08-2008 00:55
AWS Brazing handbook states one should have examples for visual inspection.  It is very clear on inspection criteria.  Does anyone have some pictures of inspected items  2 inch copper using Bi Cup Series filler or know where one can obtain.   There are several areas of thought on partial insertion of copper tube versus partial insertion depending on solder and braze.  Mr. Sperko has a very good explanation of the old school versus the new school. Any comments on the above would be appreciated.  I for one appreciate the contributions of all because it allows for thinking outside of the box.

Brazing is not a area I have a lot of experience in .  
I realize that excessive heat can damage  the copper.  Excessive material on outside of coupling is not desirable. 

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Brazing Inspection

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