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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bad Timing?
- - By js55 (*****) Date 01-07-2009 20:21
Is it just bad timing that our Prez Elect announced his 800 Billion Dollar stimulus package at the same time as he announced the appointment of a government spending watchdog? He'll be watchin alright. He'll be watchin us spend ourselves into oblivion. He's like the watch dog watchin the burgler break into your house. He's a watchin.
Now I figure this old boy is probably gonna make a lotta money. But um also guessin he ain't gonna enjoy much job satisfaction. Heck, we're all watchin government spendin but we ain't gettin paid for it.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-08-2009 16:29
800 billion...700 billion on the original, 1.5 trillion total. 1,500,000,000,000. Or just under 5,000 for every man, woman, and child.
Not everyone in the country is working. So where does this money come from? Is the United States government a for profit organization?
Not hardly. If the people in Washington were to be judged the same as the ones who've been put in jail from corporate America, I'd venture to
say that half or more of the them would be singing the jailhouse blues.

So getting back to it, where does the money come from? From every "working" man, woman, and teen. Those already on the government dole will
be getting a wealth redistribution check, while the working ones will get a partial refund.

I don't know about the rest of you, but it kind of sucks that I am paying for several someones who are sitting around drinking beer and refusing to work.
I can handle helping out the single mom who is stuck, or the guy with the broken back who can't work, but paying a lifer who never has, nor ever wants to work just jerks my chain.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-08-2009 16:56
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-08-2009 18:06
Thats right. Take from the haves and give to the have nots until there ain't no haves, and we're all have nots. Because the haves really piss off the have nots. How dare they work so hard to create such a despicable inequality when what they should be doing is working hard to give it up to those who resent them. Then once you give it all up and are now in that most desirable of clubs, the have nots(it has to be desirable doesn't it since we don't encourage people to become haves, we encourage them to resent, and to support politics that take from the haves-how can we, in all good conscience, encourage our brethren to become such despicable people), you too can build a political philosophy of hate and resentment. Because, you don't really believe that there is actually any end to redistribution do you? Not until every last have has been stomped into non existence. But when the haves have been thus properly dispensed into history who will then support the have nots? Well, the government of course. Its the liberal dream.
Ah yes, the vision of Napolean and Snowball did not die with the falling of the Wall. Its alive and well here in the good ole USA.
Parent - By kipman (***) Date 01-08-2009 18:15
Animal Farm reference.  Nice.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-08-2009 17:43
Business cycles are notoriously stubborn in resisting stimulus packages. These azzholes in government (Bush included) talk like all they gotta do is throw money at it and it gets better (not to mention that the majority of the electorate believes it too-thats why government intervention has become so accepted, to an even dangerous level). It may help but there is essentially no proof of such. Even now some leading indicators have already had upturns. How do you actually prove the stimulus worked? It all depends on your preconceived notions, and political baggage, coming in.
But of course to keep us from squealin like pigs they just wanna look like they're doin something. Anything. The bigger the dollar figure the more they care. Right??? Especially the Prez elect and all his "Teams". This guy has put together more teams than the NFL. Bush spent 95 B. One heck of a legacy. But Obama! Well now, Obama plans on spendin 800 B!!! Maybe more, he just ain't told us yet. He must have a heart as big as all outdoors to spend that kinda money to help us. And no self respecting liberal can allow a republican (notice I didn't say conservative) to outdo him in the only true measure of compassion. Spending someone else's money.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-08-2009 19:20
Bush spent 95 B. One heck of a legacy

What all is that including? Are we comparing apples and apples?
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-08-2009 20:21
I would have hoped it would have been a brand new Hummer I sittin in my driveway. Now thats what I call a stimulus package. But it didn't happen. So short of that, I don't have an answer to your question.
But lets see, 800 B. whats a H I go for these days, maybe 125k. How many HI's will 800 B buy?
Check my math but I think 6,400,000. And all I'm askin for is 1.  Now thats redistribution!!!  Hummers for everyone!!!! Talk about stimulus.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-08-2009 20:54
and just so everyone gets a piece of the pie, they could distribute 148 of them to each zip code in the US(probably the amount of people that ride the bus) and stop bus service, thereby freeing more money to buy the rest of us Hummers!
Parent - By OBrien (***) Date 01-08-2009 22:02
Keep the hummers because as soon as they hand them out they will add more tax to gas.
Parent - By PipeIt (**) Date 01-08-2009 22:11 Edited 01-08-2009 22:14
The owner of the company I work for is a "have", he works about 80+ hours a week and doesn't get time to play with everything he has.
He employs 165 people, that then support there families with the wages they earn, the owner is there when we arrive and there when we leave.
I don't have what he has; but what I do have is a friken life, home by 4:30 if working 40's and by 6:30 if working 10's able to attend kids ball games, drink beer, grill out etc.
Bass fish on weekends with my kids and bass boat. I fish right by the owners lake mansion which by the way is a good fishen spot right next to his unused yacht because no ones there using all the stuff he has! I'll stick to being a "have not"!

P.S Thank God in Heaven for the "Haves" !!!!!!!!!!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bad Timing?

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