Hi ziggy,
Audit went well, no CARs, we were issued another certificate valid through 2010.
ASTM F2280-06
20. Product Marking
20.2.1 Type 1 tension control bolts shall be marked "A490TC".
20.2.2 Type 3 tension control bolts shall be marked "A490TC" with all characters underlined. Mfgs shall be permitted to use additional marks indicating that the bolt is a weathering type.
20.3 All markings shall be located on top of the head and shall be raised or depressed at the mfg's option. The nut and washer shall be depressed.
20.4 Tension control bolts which are not marked in accordance with these provisions shall be considered nonconforming and subject to rejection.
ASTM F1852 has remained unchanged since 05.
only difference from the F2280 is that A490 is replaced with A325, and Type 1 TC bolts may also include three radial lines 120* apart.
Hope this helps.