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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / ASTM F1852 vs. F2280 TC Bolts
- - By eekpod (****) Date 01-13-2009 20:53
Whats the difference between F1852 and F2280?

I have each ASTM spec in front of me.
F1852 is TC assemblies heat treated w/ 120 Ksi minimum tensile.
F2280 is TC assemblies heat treated w/ 150 Ksi minimum tensile.

Why doesn't the "RCSC Spec. for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490" mention F2280?  It only talks about F1852.

I used to think that F1852 was for A325, and F2280 was for A490, now I'm not so sure.
F2280 isn't listed in section 1.3 Referanced STandards.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, you, might need a copy of each spec. to see what I'm talking about.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-13-2009 21:33

ASTM 2007 Vol 01.08

look under the Scope, paragraph 1.5....I think it answers your question. F2280 is a TC bolt made to an A490 spec.
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 01-14-2009 11:36
Thanks John,
So in reading 1.5 this is "considered an acceptable alternate under this specification for two years years following initial publication".
See footnote 1. Does that mean since it was originally approved in 2006, and now its more than two years later that F2280 is no longer an approved alternate?
Although, now that I think about it, the latest version of the RCSC A325/A490 was published in 2004 and this F2280 came out two years later in 2006, that would explain why its not referenced in the RCSC, it didn't exist at that time.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-14-2009 12:08
Chris, I think you're right, that ASTM standard didn't exist when the RCSC was written, therefore there is no mention of it.

When I read your question I quickly yanked the 2003 version of the ASTMs off my shelf and thumbed towards the back and it didn't go up to F2280...LOL...I had to go into the Purchasing Department to get the latest version to look up what you had....
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 01-14-2009 17:48
ooooooooooooohhhhh, watch for your next audit, AISC has a 2008 edition of the ASTM specs out,
I think somebody is non-complient at this time  LOL
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-14-2009 17:50
The auditor is due to arrive on the 21st of this month.
Parent - - By ziggy (**) Date 02-09-2009 16:20

I do not have my latest ASTM with me...what does the latest ASTM for F1852 and A2280 require for markings on the bolt head? The F1852-05 ASTM only allowed "A325TC" markings, but I have come across "F1852" marked on the bolt head.



PS - hope your audit went well...i am sure it did...
Parent - By HgTX (***) Date 02-09-2009 17:24
The standards still say "A325TC" and "A490TC".  If you see the other markings you should talk to the bolt manufacturer.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-09-2009 19:09
Hi ziggy,
Audit went well, no CARs, we were issued another certificate valid through 2010.

ASTM F2280-06
20. Product Marking
20.2.1 Type 1 tension control bolts shall be marked "A490TC".
20.2.2 Type 3 tension control bolts shall be marked "A490TC" with all characters underlined. Mfgs shall be permitted to use additional marks indicating that the bolt is a weathering type.
20.3 All markings shall be located on top of the head and shall be raised or depressed at the mfg's option. The nut and washer shall be depressed.
20.4 Tension control bolts which are not marked in accordance with these provisions shall be considered nonconforming and subject to rejection.

ASTM F1852 has remained unchanged since 05.
only difference from the F2280 is that A490 is replaced with A325, and Type 1 TC bolts may also include three radial lines 120* apart.

Hope this helps.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / ASTM F1852 vs. F2280 TC Bolts

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