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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Certified for Socket Welds
- - By smckagan Date 01-13-2009 23:48
Hello everyone,

Ive never had the oppurtunity to view ASME section 9. The company I work for plans on installing a 3" duel fuel line this spring, all the fittings on the job will be done in socket weld fashion. The company would like me to certify for the job using FCAW-S, and I was wondering (according to section 9) what test to take. If at all possible Id like to avoid a 6G test, but if I need it, I need it. Thanks
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-14-2009 23:31
You can qualify on sockets using the FCAW-S.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By smckagan Date 01-15-2009 01:12 Edited 01-15-2009 02:38

Ok, humor me, and please correct me if Im wrong. Im new to the code world, just trying to understand. If I go in and take an ASME 6g, SMAW pipe test on sched. 80, 2" MS pipe; does it really account for anything at all, if Im not working with a WPS on the job? As far as I know, sec. 9 does not have pre-quailified WPSes, so I guess that would mean a job really isnt to code until you have one, certified weldor or not; correct? If thats the case; Whats the point of taking a test when, lets say, in welding school? Is it to prove to employers that you can pass a test, so when get you hired you can pass their test?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-15-2009 05:24
You hit the nail on the head.

Contractors working on ASME code projects have to have qualified welding procedures covering the scope of work being performed. They also have to qualify their welders to a qualified WPS.

Remember what the  letters ASME stand for; Always, Sometimes, Maybe, or Except. There are weasel words in the codes that permit using SWPS purchased from AWS (sometimes) and welders have to be qualified by the contractor (except) when they belong to an organization where they can be qualified as a group and can work with any of the contractors represented by the group.

As for taking a test as part of a training program, it does demonstrates to a prospective employer that you have the skills required to pass a test. That speaks volumes when you apply for a new job and the test was recently passed.

Not all piping is install in strict compliance with ASME B31.X and not all vessels are built to ASME codes.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By smckagan Date 01-15-2009 07:40
Thanks a million Al, its all making more sense now :)
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Certified for Socket Welds

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