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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Pics
- - By chrisodom980 (*) Date 01-14-2009 20:55 Edited 01-14-2009 21:02
Here are some welding pic I took of some welds I made. Post some of yours under this topic. And the last pic is the welding hood i was using. lol
Attachment: 2Chromestick.bmp (225k)
Attachment: 2Chromestick2.bmp (900k)
Attachment: 2Chromestick2Cap.bmp (900k)
Attachment: 20Inch2ChromeCap.bmp (900k)
Attachment: 20Inch2ChromeCap2.bmp (900k)
Attachment: StainlessGold.bmp (900k)
Attachment: WELDING.jpg (118k)
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-14-2009 23:29
What's with the arc strikes? ;0

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By chrisodom980 (*) Date 01-15-2009 02:47
I was having a bad day! ! lol
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 01-15-2009 03:10
Well were all human but nice welds man.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-15-2009 19:23
good looking welds.....I can only hope my welds look half that good when I start the 6g next week. I should have took some pics of my 4g from last night, I was proud of that sucker! My arm was glad it was done though, 27 welding rods and about 1.5 hours to burn that stuff in there! I thought that was bad for a minute but doing the math and figuring setting up the plate, welding, chipping, brushing, inspecting each pass works out to 3.3333333 minutes for each pass.
Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 01-16-2009 00:20
Well Cumminsguy hope you never have to go on a shut down of any type if that made your arm tired imagine it after about 16 hours 12 of which are probably burning rods and your talking about how many cans you burn on the job not rods. But that shut down money makes the pain go away.
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 01-16-2009 04:57
here's me and my brother at Prudhoe Bay:
Parent - By chrisodom980 (*) Date 01-16-2009 21:48
Looks warm there!! Must have been a heat wave coming thorugh.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Pics

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