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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / measuring base metal and reinforcement of spiral weld pipe?
- - By shortstick Date 01-19-2009 12:38
Any fresh ideas on effectively measuring within 1/32" the interior wall of 48" - 84" dia.pipe factory spiral weld and adjacent base metal's offset?
I have used all the standard measuring gages, bridge cam etc... not to the engineer's approval.  Any new ideas?
thanks.  Shorty
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 01-19-2009 13:12
I just measure with the instrument aligned with the CL of the pipe. Not perpendicular to the weld. Maybe I have been missing something. Of course the spiral welded pipe specifications I dealt with were pretty "silent" on many things.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-19-2009 14:30
I believe I'd be for asking the 'engineer' how he or she wanted it measured then. Measuring with a bridge cam parallel to the centerline of the pipe should not be a problem. The only other thing I can think of is to use one end to proof it. Measure with a cam then mic it.
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 01-19-2009 15:52
Are you trying to measure missalignment of pipe to pipe?

Probably not but if so you need a high-low guage.

If you're trying to measure missalignment across the spiral joint a modified high-low guage would work nice.

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-19-2009 16:21
yep it would, I took his comment to mean the engineer had elimated that as well.
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 01-19-2009 17:14
Probably, but then you just never know what might or might not fall into the "standard gauges" category ; )

You could set up a dial indicator on a small narrow mag base.

Parent - - By shortstick Date 01-20-2009 01:09
Taking it to the engineer won't work for the simple fact that there will be several engineers and (professionals) from multiple agencies and companies reviewing our findings.  Using centerline of pipe wont be effective.  Pipe is buried and there is approximately 2000' to inspect.  We've set-up various dial indicators, this would work but is very time consuming.  Cam gage is the tool of choice, problem here is that I can't flash a picture to document to interested parties.  My current idea is to use a dual height gage -digital- and measure three points in between, -both sides of weld and reinforcement-.
thanks for everyone's input, if ya got more ideas keep'em comin!!!
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-20-2009 15:36
Would a profile gauge work.
Parent - By shortstick Date 01-20-2009 21:10
I picked one up but haven't used it yet.  We're on standby for a week or so.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / measuring base metal and reinforcement of spiral weld pipe?

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