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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI Careers
- - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-21-2009 18:56
I am about to test for my CWI here in a couple weeks.  What I would like to know is why type of company do the CWIs of this forum work for.  
Engineers, construction, 3rd party inspection firms, oil and gas,etc. 

I have came to the conclusion, based on the lack of ANYTHING in Kansas City that I will more than likely have to hit the road to work.  No worries with that!  I have been googling structural steel companies and various engineering firms around the company for possible job contacts, if and when I receive my CWI.  I would just like to see what type of companies you fine folks work for to see if there is something that I might be missing.

Thanks for your responses.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 01-21-2009 19:03
All of the above plus some. I work in a machine shop, that is owned by a foundry, that is owned by an engineering firm, that is owned by ....
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-21-2009 19:11
Try reserching those they are state and 3rd party inspection agencies.
From my time in the bridge industry i would always hear them all say "we dont have any CWIs that will travle well send sum1 next week.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-21-2009 19:18
The bridge industry!!!??  KTA and Keville were the first ones that I looked into.  I have always liked bridges and is one of the aspects of a CWI career that REALLY interests me.
Parent - - By jarsanb (***) Date 01-21-2009 20:25
Go to, freeform search "CWI" and you will see what industries are hiring and how the pay scale changes a little. also lists CWI jobs. You may get a better feel for where the work is at the moment.
Parent - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 01-21-2009 20:46
go to and type out certified welding inspector
Parent - - By bamaCWI (**) Date 01-22-2009 00:49
I have a good friend that is a recruiter for various inspection companies if your interested. His company is A1 Search Specialist out of Ohio.

Parent - - By dmilesdot (**) Date 01-22-2009 19:33
Two companies that you can check into are Bureau Veritas (they used to be R.W. Hunt) and they are in Pittsburgh PA. and the other is Pennoni Associates in King of Prussia PA. There are many others around the US that are used as third party inspectors for Bridge Work.  Check the website  There are plenty of opportunities if you dont mind travel.  Best of Luck with your test.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-22-2009 19:45
I did see BV before but Pennoni I have not heard of.  I have been amassing a list of NDT/Steel inspections companies for a few weeks now.  What is interesting to me is that it seems that most of the structural companies are back east.  I have been out of work for nearly 5 months now.  I am damn hungry and ready to hit the road if need be.  Is the road good on newbie CWIs or whould it be better to look for a "shop" job, even for less pay to learn the ropes?
Parent - By dmilesdot (**) Date 01-23-2009 13:27
Since you are new to the CWI world a shop might me a good place to start.  Several of the shops around here (upstate NY) do work (bridges) for several different states so they stay pretty busy. New York has bridges being built by fabricators in North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Ohio and Maine and Im sure other states do the same.  My point here being that in a shop you can get a varied amount of experience and see how different states do the same thing differently.
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 01-22-2009 07:04

I work for a 3rd party inspection company.
I think with a fresh CWI cert, its more what you can get, rather than what you want.

For me the power and oil/gas industri is by far the most interesting.

The best of luck with the test.

Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-22-2009 19:43
try these guys MACTEC
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 01-22-2009 20:36
Mactec, last I heard, lost one of there major contracts and is cutting back.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-26-2009 22:43
I would like to thank all of those that responded to this post.  I have a shi* load of contacts now that I plan on applying to once I get my CWI.  I leave for CO this Saturday.  And test the following Sunday.  Wish me luck.
Parent - By unclematt (***) Date 01-27-2009 00:42
Good luck Bryon.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-27-2009 17:59
Sounds like we will just miss each other. I am going to CO tommorow and leaving Saturday. :-)
Parent - By Christian Baumberger (*) Date 01-27-2009 05:30
I work for a 3rd party, which works well for us.
Weld inspection is one of many on-site services we provide.
We also provide on-site training, welder repair, process consulting, etc.
Parent - - By SystemOne Date 01-28-2009 21:46
I'm a recruiter with a Staffing Company, currently looking for a Technician but must be local to Springdale, PA as there is no Per Diem for the position.  Need someone with CWI and 8+ yrs experience to perform oversight of subcontractors on a FGD Retrofit Project.  Client company is an EPC company (Engineering, Procurement, & Construction) and this is a contract job, expected to last about 5 months.  If interested email resume to
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-28-2009 22:47
That seems totaly not applicable to this thread! Have you read it?
Parent - By crazycajun (**) Date 01-29-2009 18:48
well hogan it seams as though the cwi is going everywhere i had someone tell me they wanted someone with a cwi for a job with concrete. and i also heard many others things that dont directly pertain to welding require a cwi. i have no idea as to whats going on. maybe these fields dont have a testing system so they are using the cwi just to see if they dealing people that have enough sense to pass the test.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI Careers

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