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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding 1/8 inch copper sheet
- - By Smiley Date 12-22-2001 03:01
Please give me recommendations for making large (10' x 20') sheets with 4' x 5' pieces welded together. How do I keep the heat localized? Any tricks for preheating to avoid joint contamination? Any tricks for locking sheets together? Let me know if you need more info.

Thanks for your help

Parent - By - Date 01-03-2002 19:37
Since you have had no replies so far, I will give some advice based on first principles rather than experience. (I have never tried to weld such large pieces of Cu together.)

The thickness given should be weldeable without a pre-heat, as long as you use a relatively high heat input process such as GMAW.

I think that your big problem is going to be buckling distortion. You could try to jig the welds with a very rigid jig, and then peen the weld before removing from the jig.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding 1/8 inch copper sheet

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