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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / HR 45 gun control
- - By CWI555 (*****) Date 02-01-2009 01:50

These two are currently in process of being reintroduced.

So much for the supreme court. I don't really care what your political affiliations or beliefs are. We should all be concerned with these proposed laws.
It will affect you, directly or indirectly.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who will sell out their neighbor because it didn't affect "them". Then when a bill comes along that
does affect them, they are up in arms and screaming. Those of you who enjoy the freedoms offered by this country, (what little is left) should be
asking yourselves what happens when it does affect you. Who is going to stand up for you? Seems to me the labor unions should be paying very
close attention to this sort of thing.

Maybe your tired of politics, maybe you just don't care, but you can rest assured that apathy in all it's myriad of forms can be found at or near
the root of most of the problems facing us today. When you let one group of people go down because it doesn't affect you, how can you be sure
your circle and or group is not next? The Constitution only works as a whole document and as originally written. You can't pick and choose simply
because it's inconvenient to you.
Take note of the religious recognition's in the house schedule. I guess it's alright for your House Representative to recognize these but not your childrens in school?
Yet another slap in the face. Whats good for congress doesn't apply to us "peasants".

January 6  111th Congress, 1st Session convenes
January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 20 Inauguration Day
January 29-31 Republican Conference Issues Conference
February 5-7 Democtratic Caucus Issues Conference (someone on the house IT staff needs to learn how to spell)
February 16  Presidents Day
February 16 - 20  Presidents Day District Work Period
March 8  Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 17 St. Patrick's Day
April 6 - April 17 Spring District Work Period
April 8 Passover Begins
April 10 Good Friday
April 12  Easter Sunday
May 10 Mother's Day
May 25 Memorial Day
May 25 - May 29  Memorial Day District Work Period
June 14 Flag Day
June 21 Father's Day
June 29 - July 3  Independence Day District Work Period
July 4 Independence Day
August 3 - September 4  Summer District Work Period
September 7  Labor Day
September 18  Rosh Hashanah Begins
September 27  Yom Kipper Begins
October 12  Columbus Day
October 30 Target Adjournment
November 1  Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 11 Veterans Day
November 26 Thanksgiving Day
December 11  Hanukkah Begins
December 25 Christmas Day

It's time to ban both political parties and restore representation of our beliefs, and not the elitist hypocrites whats good for you only applies to you and not us.
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 02-01-2009 18:56 Edited 02-01-2009 18:59
Great, awesome, F***ing super...
I'm getting really sick of this garbage and the fact that most Americans don't give a flying F about firearms and what they mean to our country.
The second amendment is what keeps us a free country, and what keeps the govt in check from pulling some fascist police state CRAP but no one else in this country seems to realize it or care.

If we lose our guns, then we lost our freedom. Plain and simple, the terrorists win at that point.
If the US turns into a police state, then tell me where would freedom be in the world???

I need to go calm down now...
My final thoughts on the subject can be found below; I recently purchased one of the stickers and a full sized flag with that logo on it :)

*edit* pic from    "Dont Tread On Me" :)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 02-01-2009 23:29
Unfortunately, the majority of Americans believe everything they see on NBC/CNN. They never bother to see the other side of the issue, especially when it doesn't fit their nice little neat vision of the world. HR 45 states "the majority of homicides are related to gun violence". Oh.. that's just terrible.. ban em all. Never mind the fact that the number includes justified police homicides, justified citizen homicides, among others. It also defies the laws of physics and the known universe. To read it, it would have you believe that those "evil guns" loaded themselves, jumped off the tables, and went on a wild rampage killing folks everywhere as if possessed by some demon from hell. Never mind the callous drug dealer selling smack etc to our youth, they are just a victim of society that forgot them. It would be just terrible if someone was actually held responsible for their actions. Nope can't have real thought and a questioning attitude when it comes to the mindset of making co-dependant automatons incapable of surviving without the elitist political machine showing us the errors of our ways. 

People have a decision to make, roll over and put on the sheeps cloths, or get active and do something about it.
Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 02-02-2009 18:19
that's why i am very efficient with my bow, just in case. i can cut a pop can in half at 80 yards. but i'm sneaky enough to get within 20 of anything with ears and eyes. i'm glad i don't put a lot of stock in the firearms i do own.

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-02-2009 05:26
There will always be plenty of guns, it is only a matter of WHO has them.
Parent - By Sharp Tungsten (**) Date 02-02-2009 21:19
Now I know what to do with my income tax return when I get it. Those Lugers that guy was playing with were worth some serious cash and did you notice the Maxim in the corner cha-ching!!!! On another note you got to hand it to them they are pretty crafty people. I am a professional gunsmith and no way could I produce or repair guns in the conditions these people do. How many kids under the age 16 in America can field strip a Beretta or AK-47? Not to many. I just thought it was incredible they produce guns and ammunition in such a manner.

Now here me out on all guns laws. You may call me crazy and absurd but I have spent 25,000 for tuition into one of Americas foremost gunsmithing schools and currently own well over 100 firearms of various sorts. My answer is ban all guns from a .50 Caliber even down to .14 Flea and .177 caliber pellets rifles too. And while your at it ban alcohol and tobacco too. Ahh alas we have just produced the the far left's liberal wet dream or paradise if you will.

Now here comes reality and a good history lesson. What is Americas real all time past time? No not baseball, no not football and it ain't hockey either. You guessed it organized crime. Look at the prohibition will you. Even though we were in the death clutch of the biggest economic depression the world has ever known I not once have read about Bugs Moran or Al Capone coming up late with the mortgage payment. These guys were ready to give the government a loan if they needed it. Now these guys made this much money just on booze alone. That ought to tell you something about the people of this great country also. Can't make the mortgage but damned if i ain't buying a pint of tub gin. Now think about how much money these guys could have made if they were bootlegging guns, tobacco, and booze? I guess that after ten years of this imaginary ban that the world would create a man or several that would make everyone forget about those notable gangsters of the 20's and 30's. I would personally like to see it. Well call me crazy but that is my side of it.
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 02-02-2009 17:48
The raw nerve of these folks.  They just keep on pushing, pushing and pushing.  Sorry, folks.  If this is made law it looks like I'll be a criminal.  NEVER. :(
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 02-02-2009 19:55 Edited 02-02-2009 20:43
Won't we all.  It sounds like they are doing this just to put someone in jail when a kid steels a gun and goes postal.  So if your kid gets a hold of your gun and shoots someone accidentally or themselves, you're going to jail.
    What's up about the part saying that if you have this license, they can search the manufacture, owner and something else at anytime.  Sounds like we're in for it.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 02-02-2009 21:47
This is the mandate those currently in power believe they have.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 02-03-2009 04:26

Our new Attorney General, Eric Holder, was confirmed today and he is NOT friendly to the right to bear arms crowd, or Gitmo, or existing policy that denies a government provided attorney for illegal immigrants facing deportation.

I expect some changes will come.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / HR 45 gun control

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