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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / action speaks louder than......
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-03-2009 19:27
There are all kinds of anecdotal ties between Barack Obama and socialism, and some are fairly compelling. Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media pointed out that, for example, Obama was endorsed in 1996 by the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America for Illinois state senate. He eulogized Saul Mendelson, a well-known socialist activist. And he campaigned for socialist senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 02-04-2009 21:04
Who were you expecting the Socialists to back, Obama's Republican rival?  Duh.

Was Bernie Sanders running against a Democrat?  Or did you expect Obama to back Sanders' Republican rival?

George Bush supported Israel, a state founded by socialists.  "Socialist" is not an automatic condemnation.  McCarthyism was discredited decades ago.  Get over it.

Parent - By Maxpayne575 (*) Date 02-05-2009 03:40
a little reading will reveal to you that McCarthy was mostly correct in as far as identifying communists, along with a few other points. The only people who believe McCarthy was discredited, are the socialists, and the victims of American public education.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 02-05-2009 13:54
The condemnation argument over the word Socialist is an interesting one. Its history is almost identical to the history of the derogatory nature of the word fascist. There is little ambiguity as to what socialist means. Those from the Right will not hesitate to apply it to those who demonstrate a sympathy and advocacy of socialist policies. Most on the left who fit the description would hesitate however to claim it. Not all, but most. And for good reason. The derogatory connotation of 'socialist' didn't really come along unitil the horrors of Nazi concentration camps and siberian gulags came to light and socialists of the west needed to distance themselves.
So, the result is, those on the Right because they disagree vehemently would certainly consider socialism in some derogatory manner, but many on the left do too, and seem completely unaware of the history of their own revulsion.

As for Obama, he doesn't only support them by default, which is certainly understandable, but because he is in complete agreement with them. His support of them doesn't exist in a vacuum. It has a long history in his own words. 
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-05-2009 15:33
I wont "Get over it" I see whats going on in this country, Any1 who feels the world is a happy place where every one gets along is stupid
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 02-05-2009 16:47
LOL............ All you wingnuts still crying in your beer because McBush lost.  Get used to losing......... you're gonna lose more rethuglican seats in 2010.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-05-2009 17:00
That sounds like a stereo type from u NEQA.........Wing nuts Beer drinking why not just say red neck white trash. Time will show the truth about our "president" and time is short for him as he has already started deconstruction of our rights and capitalistic ways.Most everything the wing nuts know and talk about are true. Obamma may be your GOD but he is ONLY my president.....for now.
As for Oclintons 3rd term i see that he is making good chioces .......... tax dodgers , criminals, and plain ol idiots.
Tell me NEQA is it justified that the new administration tells us we need to buckle down on spending , and pay MORE (patriotic) tax while the Scabs who Oclinton (obama) appoints are not paying what they owe, but are willing to spend our country into bankrupcy?
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-05-2009 17:56
"Get used to losing"

You hit the nail on the head there. Get used to losing our right to bear arms, get used to losing our tax dollars on bailing out companys that have put themselves in that position by bad choices, get used to losing our a**es in general. And most importantly, get used to losing AMERICA!! YEP!!! :-(
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-05-2009 18:23
I agree every thing that is lost will NEVER come back.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 02-05-2009 20:18
Yeah, gotta hand it to NEQA. When he's right he's right. We all better get used to losing.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-05-2009 20:33
Yep, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. :-)
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 02-05-2009 22:09 Edited 02-05-2009 22:13
OH give it a break! Try facing up to what McCain really is for a change. Pay close attention and you will see the other face.

Are you an American? Do you want American people to get back to work?

Do more more that spout off. Go look for your self. He tried his best just last night to remove the "BUY AMERICAN" clause from the stimulus package. Fortunitly he was shot down again. What the hell does he care he dosent need a job, why should he worry about ours?

I guess he thinks all the people who lost there jobs in the last few months don't mean any thing. We need to spend all those Billions in other countries and put those populations back to work first. That Man truly is a genus isn't he. We need more just like him.

Some of you have been riding that dead horse so long you need to get off before the smell rubs off you.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-06-2009 02:57
If you will notice from my past post's, I do not support McCain. I think they both SUCK!!! :-)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 02-05-2009 22:47
The sad thing about your post is it shows a decided immaturity and lack of understanding for the matters at hand. While you may think your being witty, my 5 year old can come up with better taunts and or name calling than this. However; the gross error here is in the lack of understanding of what You've done to yourself. The freedom your utilizing to make those school yard taunts will be stripped from you. The constitution only works when it is enforced in "FULL". You cannot pick and choose the parts you like, and expect it to have no effect upon you.

For myself, I've made it clear to all that I believe both parties should be abolished. Both stopped representing the people a long time ago. However; the difference between paths to the death of this nation are being paved on a much accelerated rate by the Dems. Again, abolish both parties, establish a free election, eliminate all congressional associations, and get back to the basics. It's the only hope of salvation for this country in my eyes.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 02-05-2009 23:52
You are right
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 02-06-2009 00:19
Well its not like we were wimpering bichs for 8 years . Clinton lied (didnt get impeached), Welstone died and Gore sucks. Get over it. Now its your turn to be at fault. Think we wont throw out the trash if this little recession does not go away?  LOL
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 02-06-2009 04:27
It's difficult for me to admit it but I do like the democratic party's tax plan.

Just don't pay it until Obama picks you for a cabinet position!!

Remember Joe Bidens' gaff when he told America that it's time to be part of the deal, that paying more taxes is patriotic?

Seems like Obamas' cabinet picks weren't listening.

It hasn't been a very good start for him... sorry...Him. Not the change he promised when he said in his administration that there wouldn't be two sets of rules. One for the prominent people and one for the ordinary folk that have to pay their taxes everyday. Seems like there is two sets of rules.
Our new head of the treasury department, Geitner, is a tax cheat, Daschle, would be over the dept. of health and human services, tax cheat. Nancy Killefer, chief performance officer, tax problems. Bill Richardson, commerce secretary has ethics problems.

The voters will tire of this if it keeps up and it will be a short lived majority democratic rule.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / action speaks louder than......

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