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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / welder qualification Apave
- - By mjf (*) Date 02-04-2009 09:52

My welders were certified by an NDT operator from a recognised company(APAVE), now my client doesn't want these certificates any more.
he said that the Authorised person shall be a CWI, IWT, IWI,,, certinfied person in the field of welding.
Can somebody help me to know if there is such requirements in the AWS CODE or any other Standars?

Best regards.
Parent - - By Ke1thk (**) Date 02-04-2009 18:49
Welding codes and standards are sometimes almost the same, but rarely the same.  The customer's requirements could override the codes and standards.  The code/standard is a guide.  It's work instructions, unless told otherwise.

My first question(s) would be what does the print say? What code/standard are the welds to be welded to? I'd look up welder qualification requirements/who may qualify them per the code/standard.

My next question(s) would be what does the customer want? What will satisfy them? Your customer could be selling your welds to his customer.  He might not want any delays in the process.

AWS is recognized as "creditable" and pretty much accepted throughout the welding industry.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-04-2009 23:16
"He who holds the gold makes the rules."

The customer's expectations must be met in order to collect the money. If you don't, someone other than you will and they will collect the money.

It is not unusual for a customer to request a third party test witness to ensure the test results are not influenced or biased in favor of the fabricator. It isn't typically a "code" requirement, but often invoked by the customer to provide them with a certain level of comfort that the testing is handled properly.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 02-04-2009 23:50 Edited 02-04-2009 23:55
Good for your customer!  Smart Move!

I wouldn't accept those qualification certificates either.  There is nothing in the D 1.1 Code that addresses it directly.  I do not trust any "In House" SNT-TC-1A certified Level 2 to do welder qualification.  I have seen dozens of phonies.  When you re-test the welders with a CWI see who passes on the first try!
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / welder qualification Apave

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