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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 100 Billion Chopped in the Senate
- - By js55 (*****) Date 02-07-2009 18:13 Edited 02-07-2009 18:19
I'm glad some are at least trying to be responsible. By congressional standards anyway.
The Senate has successfully chopped 100 Billion from the bailout. Maybe. Predominantly those mean old Republicans. 100 BILLION!!!! It shouldn't have been there in the first place. Oh, but trust me there is still Billions in pork left over. Wouldn't pass if it wasn't there. So Obama's first major piece of legislation is built upon the foundation of a broken campaign promise. No Pork!!!!
Big shocker there!
Tough choice for him though. A real rock and a hard spot. The choices: stick it to us, or look like a failure. Guess which one he picked?
Of course the 'smiles all around' and 'pats on the back' if this passes will be long faded when our descendents, faces of which we will never see, pay this monster off.
Never mind there are leading indicators already starting to turn.
Though it hasn't passed yet. And has to go back to da House.
You gotta love the way its being reported as ' that 100 billion wouldn't create jobs right away anyhow'.
Son of a B,,,,,,,,,,!!!!   2 billion for the Census or 400 million for contraception wouldn't create jobs AT ALL!!!
Or how bout that new office furniture for Homeland Security? Hell, that one may still be in. And you'd have to reach deep into that notorious Trickle Down to argue that creates jobs. But wouldn't wanna do that. Obama would smoke a T in liberal hell for sayin he's a supply sider.
And what about the who knows how many bilions are still left that won't create jobs either???
Don't wanna be too hard on Obama. Wouldn't wanna dash any hopes with reality would we?

Oh, and let us be aware, the Obama folks are already talking about rounds 2, 3, and 4 of the bail out if this don't do it fast enough, states Mitch McConnel on the Senate floor. But he's just'a lyin right? Well, ya gotta get the 100 B back in there. Gotta be a smoke filled room somewhere.

They're sayin 821 billion for this one. But after interest its estimated at 1.3 or 4 trillion. Yes thats Trillion. With a capital T, and that rhymes with B, and that stands for buggered.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-07-2009 22:36
New office furniture for Homeland Security? 1st....whats wrong with the current office furniture?? Why don't we get used office furniture from these banks that are taking our money and droppin' employees like they've got the plague? Just call it payment, we'll take your empty furniture and deduct that off what you owe us, fair market value on the used furniture....not the stick it to em' boys price cause it's the gubment.
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 02-08-2009 23:36
I live on a border town and the two border crossing stations that we have have the same furniture since the early 90's.  TORN THE @*%& UP and broken.  I'm not saying thats the way it is everywhere but here it is and if they have new and comfortable furniture there for when I come stumbling back from the bar and they feel like keeping me around I won't complain.  Even drunk you can't get comfortable.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-09-2009 00:17
I understand, I just hope they don't replace furniture because it's not in fashion. Actual damaged, old non functional furniture hey that's cool. Still hope they get consumer prices and are not overcharged as we all have heard stories about the $800 hammers.
Parent - By OBrien (***) Date 02-09-2009 00:29
Yeah and the $2000 dollar tolit seats.  I heard about them too I know that common sense ain't so common any more but really now 2 grand.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-08-2009 04:59
   Of course one must remember that what is pork to You and Me is steak to some of the liberal Dems, and they are crying in their beer over it's loss.
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 02-08-2009 17:04
The 100 billion chopped from the bill this past week (by the Senate) was added (by the Senate) two weeks ago.
They hoped no one would remember.

Parent - By uphill (***) Date 02-09-2009 00:59
I believe the correct name of this spending spree is The 2009 Socialization and Filling their Pockets Bill. Call your representatives and senators tell them to get ready to be voted out, all of them. We spend money we dont have; that benifits special interests and non-profit organizations. They wont make 5000 decent paying jobs or help out all of those who gambled on our future. Cant put my finger on the words to express my anger or remorse for the pretend american people who are letting this happen. The only use should be money that will directly create jobs or get everyone back to work. Work on the other problems when we can afford to pay for them.

It is not an economic bill, it is a demoralizing attempt to make USA a broke desperate country and dependent on handouts. I would rather make my own mistakes and earn my own way. Lets not let those morons with the blue helmets overtake our country.

Sorry I dont even have two senators to call in Minnesota, they are still suing each other to see who wins. On our nickel I would add. But thats nothing new.

We will all get through this pre-manufactured economic whole, just put your shoulder down and let em have it. Lets shoot for 400 Billion worth of jobs and security.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 02-09-2009 03:18
If you want to call your senator and express your opinion it should be done ASAP!!

We are going to spend money that we do not have on things that we do not need and expect that to fix the economy.

Tennis courts, frisbee parks, sex ed, water slides at parks are a few examples of the pork in the package. One of President Obamas first executive orders was to reverse Bush's ban on sending our tax money to foreign countries for "family planning" i.e. abortions.

That's correct, no cameras, anchormen, adoring crowds, just a stroke of the pen and in our "catastrophic economy" as President Obama called it he signs a bill that WILL spend our money on aborting babies in foreign countries. I wish I was making that up but I am not.

I'm not anti park,tennis or against all of the other earmarks in the package, I am against the government spending money we don't have on stuff we don't need and telling us that this bill MUST be passed immediately or we are doomed. Not much hope there Mr. President. Fear-mongering is a democratic rallying point. That's what you accused Bush of doing for 8 years. Not much change there, Mr. President.

Bush and the democratic majority house and senate passed a 700B "stimulus" and it did no good. There was a lending crises. Let's throw money at it. Remember how McCain was severely criticized for suspending the campaign to help "fix" the problem? McCain was panicky, they said. Obama said, "You got my phone #, call me if you need me." The nation all said he is sooo cool under pressure. I'm voting for Him.     Now President Obama is saying that if we do not act NOW, this crises will become a catastrophe. Not as cool now when it counts.    Throw more money at it. Let's do something even if it's wrong mentality.

What makes sense to me is to stop ALL unnecessary, wasteful spending first. Until we do that we will only make matters worst or prolong the agony.

The problem is that if the republicans expanded government and increased spending (partly because of 9/11) the liberals we have elected and appointed will make the republicans look like amateurs when it comes to spending.

Remember, all the money they are printing or borrowing will only deflate our already weak dollar.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 02-09-2009 03:26
The economists are already saying that the interest rates are going to go nutz to intice the out of country lenders. That isnt going to help anyone. 

Cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 02-09-2009 03:47
Honestly neither side has a sure shot answer for this problem.

It boils down to a fundamental flaw in our economy and the world economy. Instead of wiping the slate clean we are giving a needle to the junkie.

I don't think either party has the answer and no one has a magic crystal ball to say what the future holds.
We have the ability to bounce back fast, or flounder for a decade(s)  either way the economy is going to be rather grim for the next year or 2 minimum
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 02-09-2009 13:43
I think you are exactly right. Nobody really has a solution for this thing. Its too big and too complicated for any one person to understand.
And throwing money at it is certainly not the answer. And worse we aren't even throwing the majority of the money at it. We're throwing it someplace else!!!
The good news is, as I've posted elsewhere, some leading indicators are starting to turn. It remains to be seen if its a trend and if the concurrent indicators follow suit.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 100 Billion Chopped in the Senate

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