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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / CWI certification questions
- - By Maurice Boone (*) Date 12-29-2001 16:01
Hi everyone,

I am planning to challenge the SCWI or the CWI exam in the next few months. I am a Canadian with a job that requires me to be certified in both US and in Canada. If I am successful in my challenge, I plan to apply for the reciprocity certification in Canada. I have spoken with the AWS certification staff twice and have received conflicting information on process or the qualifications needed. They are sending me out some information but I feel it still will not answer my questions. I spoke to the Canadian Welding Bureau as well and received very little useful information; I don’t know if there is a gray area. I would really appreciate it if anyone in this forum might be able to answer any of the following questions or give me some direction.

1. Is the CWI certification the same as QC1 ?
2. What is the makeup of the SCWI exam, (ie, open book, closed book, report writing, number of parts and number of questions per part, time frame of exam)?
3. What is the makeup of the CWI exam, (ie, open book, closed book, report writing, number of parts and number of questions per part, time frame of exam)?
4. Is there a practical to either the SCWI or CWI exam?
5. Do I supply my own inspection tools for the exam if there is a practical and what might you suggest for tools?
6. What US welding inspectors certification will qualify as a Level 2 Canadian Welding Bureau inspector ?
7. I plan to write the code D1.1, what other codes or books would you suggest as study material?
8. Any suggestions for study material or courses to attend?

I would appreciate any help you can provide with all or any of the above questions. You can also contact me by email at

Maurice Boone
Parent - - By Jorge Giraldo (**) Date 01-02-2002 16:39
Dear Maurice:

I gonna answer you based in my actual aknowledge about this issue but I recommend you that read very well the AWS QC-1 standard and, after, try (again) to speak directly with AWS's certification staff.

1. The QC1 is a standard for AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors (a document) where you can find the requirements to obtain the certification (levels of cert., functions, experience, examination, etc.). You must read it very well before your application. The QC1 stablish different levels of certification: Senior certified welding inspector (SCWI), certified welding inspector (CWI) and certified associate welding inspector (CAWI), all of them according the same QC1.
2 & 3. Basically, you would take the following: (a) an exam in order to evaluate your welding aknowledgement without books (closed book test); (b) an open book test using a particular code (AWS D1.1, API 1104, ASME section IX, etc., you choose it freely); and (c) a practical test related with welding inspection (AWS will give you all the material required for your test - samples, inspection tools, standards, etc.).
4. Yes.
5. No for the exam, may be for your own study and practice in home.
6. I don't know. However, the AWS's codes (like D1.1 and D1.5) accept welding inspectors qualified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (level II or III) instead CWI. I don't know if the CWB does the same, check it.
7. I don't understood your question.
8. The "Certification manual for welding inspectors" and "Welding Inspection Thecnology" by AWS. The former has a lot of tipical questions about the different themes for evaluate during the exams.

You can obtain more detailed information in the AWS QC1 standard.

I hope this help you. If you need any other info you can E-mail me.

Jorge Giraldo
Medellín, Colombia
Parent - By Maurice Boone (*) Date 01-12-2002 16:33
Great information.
Thanks for your help.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / CWI certification questions

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