I can't speak for every where but I have found that the aggregate business offers an endless source of income. As an example I took a contract to install some screen decks and build a conveyor in november and we are still on the same site and they just keep adding to the pile. looks like we may not be done till the end of summer. The point I am trying to make if the oil field is shute down where you are try looking for work at an aggregate plant with the infastructure spending that they say is going to be spent it could be a gold mine. ( it is for me) and the rate is the same as welding pipe,here anyway.
Where are you at? Ill come work for yall.
Good point. We've also been busy with concrete ready-mix plants installing recycling equipment to recycle aggregates from unused concrete. These involve conveyors and bins, usually fabbed by a specialty company but installed and erected by local fabricators. I don't know if there are environmental hot buttons driving this but it seems pretty common right now.
I did some of that about 6 years ago, your right if you get in with the right company it is endless, hope they don't sell to a big company that has there own rig welders. Thats what happened to me, but it was good for two years though.