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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Am I the only one sick of these folks...
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-18-2009 18:01
So get home last night and see that A-Rod is apologizing for his "mistake". I just sat there at thought about Micheal Phelps and his "mistake". You know what, I've been around 37 years and have not made that "mistake". If you do the crime, don't say, "oops, I did'nt know better", my azz!! These guys are out making salaries most can only imagine, or not imagine do to the number of zeros. Mistake, man just burns my butt hearing this crap all the time then they continue on with their life as if nothing happened. Guess they'll blame it on pure pressure.....ah, your adults right? You can tell somebody to p_ss off just as well as I can. Then I see after that a commercial from some other doper and their doing a show on him and he's all sobby about "I screwed up", "ruined my life". Well I don't see ya in Prison....shut up.

Ok, just had to get that off my chest....guess I'll run out and buy some blow and when I get caught just tell the cop I made a mistake and they'll understand and let me go right?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-18-2009 18:22
My cure to the A-Rod Barry Bonds cancer is Minor Leauge ball.

7 bucks for a box seat close enough to put sunflower seeds on the diamond.

Dollar dogs

Dollar beer

Free parking

More 90 mph fastballs than in the bigs... Fewer of them for strikes, but hey.

Go Beloit Snappers!
Parent - By PipeIt (**) Date 02-18-2009 18:47
I agree with Lawrence, those guys are still hungry, and the price is definitely right.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 02-18-2009 18:29
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-18-2009 19:48
I know what your saying Bryon, not condemming folks who have lifted the left handed smoke but your not here saying, "oops" my bad. When you did it I don't think it just accidentally fell into your hand and you accidentally inhaled. :-) I guess that's what I was getting at. Good post by the way.
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 02-18-2009 20:03
A-Rod took boli in 2001, 2002, and 2003 - at that time it was not an illegal substance. Altogether the report contains the names of 104 baseball players who did the same thing. Why is it only one name leaked out?

I'm not defending the guy, but there are 103 just as guilty - why aren't they being held up for scrutiny the same as A-Rod?

It is ironic you give Phelps a pass for smoking pot - even thought that is 100% illegal. There are even photos of him caught in the act. But, for that you say forget about it. Is that because he won all those medals? If a swimmer who didn't win all those medals had been caught smoking pot, would he get  a pass also?

I see a double standard here.

I'm just saying.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 02-18-2009 20:52

He didn't get a pass.  He lost a very lucrative deal with Kellog's.  The police wanted to charge him but there was not enough evidence.  Is it a crime to be photographed holding a pipe?  He never admitted that marijuana was in the pipe.  A good lawyer would have had a field day with those charges.

If it was a swimmer who didnt win any medals that swimmer would have lost nothing.  I think Phelps got less of a pass if anything.     
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 02-18-2009 22:19
Waiting to see that Bong show up on E-bay
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 02-18-2009 23:30
Gear, juice, roids, or what ever else you want to call them should be completely legal if supervised by a doctor in my opinion.  Most people are very uneducated on steroids.  Just taking them won't do anything good for you.  If your diet, training, and sleep are not in check your liable to have some really nasty sides.  Before I upset anyone hear me out.  I am a bodybuilding fan and know quite a bit about the science behind gear.  When I was out on my surgery I did lots of reading on the chemical make up and how they work.  If a person takes steroids here and there it can/will shut down your HPTA axis, cause many other problems with your liver enymes, and many other really bad sides.

As for sports I think they should be off limits.  It would really mess up the record books and mostly the role modal aspect.  As for other things such as cops Look at the pictures here and tell me who you would feel safer knowing they are working in your hometown.  BTW yes he really is a cop in Texas and an 8 time Mr. Olympia.
Parent - - By patg (**) Date 02-19-2009 00:37
them shorts should be illegal imho
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 02-19-2009 01:06
Is that San Francisco on Kolonel Krispy Kreme's badge there? It would make sense. They don't arrest anybody for anything there. Sort of the Anti-Texas.
Parent - By patg (**) Date 02-19-2009 01:16
looks like a stripograham gone wrong
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 02-19-2009 16:27
I think we are comparing two different thing here, apples and oranges. While I am totally against use of non doctor prescribed medications, there is a medical need for both, steroids and marijuana. Recently we had a local cop that was busted by the FBI for years of steroid use. This fool actually sent in a request to his roid drug dealer on city police stationary:
While marijuana is still federally illegal, our great country has allowed states to do as they see fit. I live in one of these states and currently there are over 100,000 individuals that have, with there doctors approval, been allowed to medically use marijuana in accordance with there state laws. There are currently many professional athletes that are enrolled in these programs. Mr. Phelps may be one of these individual. But why would he want to share this information?
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 02-19-2009 22:58
here's my only take on marijuana, while I do not use it myself or encourage the activity the crime for using it is way disproportional to it's negative effects on society. With the thousands of alcohol related deaths and the number of families it has destroyed or very dangerous drugs such as meth. I wish the powers at be would focus on these and free up the number of police man hours wasted on people like phelps who hit a bong occasionally.

if anything it's a testament to the fact that yes you can smoke weed and still go on to win 18 gold medals in the olympics. basically saying that yes you can lead a successfull life and occasionally smoke pot.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-21-2009 00:17
I thought it was funny when they said no charges would be filed on Phelps for lack of evidence. Then I watch a show the other day about some bounty hunters that had warrants for the arrest of the crook that was caught with a crack pipe made from the little rose glass tubes you see in gas stations. Here Mr.Phelps has a full blown bong...

I guess this is why I more or less have become oblivous to any type of sports, well I go to my kids basketball games, not much else to do in this town but just how I like it.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Am I the only one sick of these folks...

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