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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Fillet welds on steel bar joists
- - By hburg rocket (*) Date 02-19-2009 23:42
Unless specified in the contract doc's [including approved shop dwgs, etc.] the standard 'default' minimum fillet weld for bar joists to supports is 1/8" x 1" e.s.  Here in Miss. I routinely find the welders hired for these simple flat welds are, well, done poorly to say the least.  And it seems most erection supers tell their welders to 'double up' on the welds, just to c.y.a.  To the point - I frequently find undercuts that 'push the limits' of D1.1 Tab 6.1.  But I am a little fuzzy about the subpara (7)(A) u/c limits:  Assuming the mat'l is less than 1" thick, u/c "shall not exceed 1/32" with the following exception:  u/c shall not exceed 1/16 in. for any accumulated length up to 2 in. in any 12 in...."  Can one of you sharper tacks out there give me a little enlightment?

Maybe an example is would be more helpful:  If a fillet is about >= 1/8" x 2 to 2.5 in. long e.s. but has an average u/c = 1/64" for almost the entire length, with some deeper spots at 1/32", maybe even one at 1/16", does this pass the smell test [per Tab 6]?
Parent - By hvymax (**) Date 02-20-2009 03:36
  Now you know why the rest of the third world has always said "Thank God For Mississippi".You could probably fish a busload out of the Rio Grande and within a few days you could probably train away your QC issues. Damn sad isnt it
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Fillet welds on steel bar joists

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