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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Laid off
- - By Metarinka (****) Date 03-05-2009 19:02
The economic situation finally has hit personally. I've been working as a part-time welding engineer while finishing my last year of school. The company is not having a good forecast and the first people to go are contract and part-time work.

So there you have it, work hard for a company developing their welding procedures, designing weld details, fixing machines and helping reduce weld defects, and all you get is a two week notice and a pat on the back.

I hope those of you with mouths to feed and mortgages to pay are fairing better than me.  I'll survive my last semester of college, but this was my grocery and bill money.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-05-2009 19:26
I am so F ing sorry for your situation.  I've been on this boat since Oct. 2nd.  We worked 4-10s so in Thursday with an hour and a half to go the prick calls me in the office and says, "due to lack of sales we are gonna let you go effective NOW!"  No 2 week notice, no nothing.  Just a good old fashioned stab in the back side with not even a reach around.  The day before my 3rd year there.  But "to soften the blow" I they gave me my bonus and let me have my vacation pay, "even though I was a day short of the anniversary."  So, since I got the "extra" money, I was screwed on 3 weeks of unemployment.

Another irconic slap in the face was that 2 weeks before my termnination, I canceled the payment protection on my credit cards that would pay them whilst I am without work.  LOL  Boy all you can do is laugh at this shi*.  Just hang in there, this sh*t storm we are all in will blow by.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 03-05-2009 19:43
You should be able to get your 3 weeks unemployment if you are out more than 26 weeks. Can't they just extend it?  You would then need to be out 29 weeks.  They did that for me once at a defense contractor.  I got 6 months severance pay + a  bonus.  They just extended my unemployment. Sometimes the laws change though.  It depends on how loud the politicians scream whether there are special dispensations or not.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-06-2009 00:39
i thought it was extemded to a huge 52 weeks?
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-06-2009 06:34
sorry to hear that be glad you can get u/e self employed dont get that and with times the way they are folks aint buying nothing either. so i spend my days looking for work and theres nothing there and the rainy day money is gone
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 03-06-2009 11:44
Sorry to hear about the lay off Metarinka.
Hope things work out for you very quickly. You are a bright young man with great potential but this economy is no joke.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 03-06-2009 14:51
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-06-2009 18:14
Yes that really sucks. Had the same thing happen to me. Go in ready to work on friday the 13th no less, come on in the office they tell me. "We're gonna have to let you go. You job is being eliminated because we are closing this location down". Ok, wish ya'll told me yesterday evening so I could have drove my truck and trailer in the 45 miles to pick up my toolbox instead of having to make an extra trip. Got severence pay, then became self employed and could not draw unemployment because once I got the process going I'd make money on a job, so just gave up on u/e. So, I know exactly what your going through, except when they told me I laughed at them and said, "well heck, we've been talking about you guys closing this location for months now and even asking you and we got sugar coated answers".
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Laid off

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