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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASME Code
- By don (**) Date 01-19-2002 20:31
Been spending some time with the ASME section IX book. (mainly in relation to GMAW processes on large tanks > 6' diameter. Would appreciate feedback from you pro's to see if I am doing ok.
1) A WPS provides direction on making welds according to code.
2) A PQR documents what occurred during the welding test and results.
3) The manufacturer is responsible for welder certification and ensuring products are manufactured to the code but can send the test to a certified facility for testing. The welder can not take the test at another facility but the test can be sent off to be examined.
4) The manufacturer must keep records of welder certifications, testing.
5) As long as a certified welder uses the procedure in a six month time period he does not need to recertify. This should be documented.
6) As long as a welder certifies on a groove weld he is certified for the corresponding fillet weld(s)
7) If a welder certifies in the 4G position, he is certified in 1G,2G,3G and 4G and the corresponding F positions.
8) A welder must recertify if essential variables are altered, but does not need to for an alteration in nonessential variables in production.
9) Testing should be done using the same joint configuration, and weldment shape and essentila variables.
10) QW-403.2 states the max. thickness qualified is the thickness of the test coupon, however, I see in QW-452 that 3/8" coupon test qualifies for 2t which would be 3/4". I know I am missing something here.
11) If a welder qualifies using 92/8 and changes to 85/15 is requalification needed?
12) If a welder qualifies using .045 metal core and changes to .035
solid core is requalification needed?
13) A company may test using QW 451.1 OR 451.2 for groove welds, and what about 452.1 and(or) 452.2 are both or all neccessary. How does one know which procedure(s) to use?
14) QW 461.9 allows plate to be used when qualifying pipe/tank >24" diameter. If a welder qualifies in 2G,3G and 4G they are qualified for 1-4G and 1-4F welds.
15) QW 463.1 (a,b and c) and 463.2 (a,b and c). Can one use (either, or) or are they for different processes?
Thanks in advance for your "sage" advice!

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASME Code

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