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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / help solicited please...
- - By JAYDESAI (*) Date 04-08-2009 06:51
Dear Friends,
We are first time going for our welders' qualification as per ASME Sec IX. Our new job has following criteria:
(1) Material - SA516 Gr 60, max plate thickness 50mm for Butt welding.
(2) Material-  SA 106 GrB, Pipe size 6", Schedule 80. All Fillet Welds.
(3) We need to use GMAW with 80-20 Ar-CO2 mixture.

Can anybody please describe how to move ahead with the welders' qualification? How many WPS will suffice these requirements? As per my understanding only one WPS will do- with 25mm plate thickness in downhand position. Is it true?

Looking at the job's requirement, I need to qualify my welders into 3G and 6G positions. What should be the size of test specimens for Butt welding in 3G? Joint design with 45 deg of total "V" having 3mm root gap and 1.5mm root face is allowed?

A detailed guidance is solicited.

Thanks !
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-08-2009 09:43
Before we get started:

Do you have an actual copy of section IX in your hands to use?
Parent - By JAYDESAI (*) Date 04-08-2009 11:27
No sir, we dont have any. But we have ordered one, by the time I thought if i could utilize my time to practise upon.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / help solicited please...

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