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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Toxic Chinese drywall
- - By rfieldbuilds (**) Date 04-11-2009 18:18
Here we go again.
Another toxic product that 'conforms' to U.S. standards.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-12-2009 12:43
Thats just wonderful... If the steel doesn't collapse on you, the drywall will get you.
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 04-12-2009 16:48
Yes, this is a horrible event, but at the same time I don't feel that bad for the people that DECIDED to use the stuff in building their fancy homes. If you're going to try and live out your American dream, BUY AMERICAN PRODUCTS! IF this country has provided you with the opportunity to do something like build your own home, why wouldn't you support it by buying from someone who lives here instead of from other country that would be just as happy to see us fail. I feel bad for the Katrina and other such victims that got stuck with it because the gov't or whatever contractor decided to cheap out. They have a right to be angry about this, not someone that can't live in their dream home because they cut corners.
Parent - By rfieldbuilds (**) Date 04-13-2009 04:47
Wow, I guess when I build myself a home I'll need MTR's and COC's. Who'd of thunk it?
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 04-13-2009 20:16
I'd like to agree with Plasmahead2 but I think the truth is the home owner is a victim of circumstance and the contractor didn't know it was toxic either.

How ever maybe some one like a buyer failed to check into the product deep enough. They seen a chance to make a fast buck and pounced on it.

That's the American way yea? Or the Whole wide world way I guess.

I mean its just Gypsum and paper right? What could go wrong? You think any of it got into any China mans home or businesses? They would probably execute any one who complained so we will never know.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 04-13-2009 20:32
Got to remind yourself these are the same morons who put that date rape drug on kids necklaces a while back. How does anyone trust the products coming out of those sweatshops without overseeing the plant is beyond me.
No takey a hart transplant from lowest bidder!!!!!!!!
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 04-13-2009 20:37
Buying Chineese is like getting in a crap game in the back of a pipeline bus.
It might turn out great........but the odds are it won't ; )

Parent - - By Bob Garner (***) Date 04-16-2009 21:02
I bought a tail light receptacle for my car this weekend.  All I could find was made in China.  The ground tab snapped off when I attempted to attach the ground wire to it.  I tried bending some of the socket mounting tabs and they too, snapped off with very little effort.  Obviously very poor quality control.

Coincidentally, I bought an HP computer this weekend.  Made in China, too.  But it worked dead-on perfectly.  Obviously very good quality control.
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 04-24-2009 01:58
Read an article awhile back about a couple in China. Seems a husband and wife had a falling out. As a result the wife attempted suicide and ate rat poison. The husband upon learning this rushed his wife to the hospital to save her life. At the hospital it was determined the rat poison was was fake,not poisonous. The husband after hearing this was releived and went out to buy a bottle of alcohol to celebrate. He bought his usual brand but this time it was benzene contaminated industrial alcohol,he died after drinking it. What a paradox, only in China.
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 04-29-2009 01:11
I bought Cooper tires this week. Even Goodyear is outsourcing tires, now. The Goodyear trailer tires are from china, of course. So I think the dry-wall thing is a stupid lesson deserved although the results are too severe for the crime... I also freely admit that I buy foreign goods all the time. But I have always tried to buy American and support our fine products whenever possible. Why would someone buy foreign dry wall when gypsum is mined right there in Texas? Why buy Thai shrimp raised in sewer lagoons when the best available comes from the Gulf? How so many people can be so short sighted blows my mind. The local Wal Mart is probably completely full of people right now buying cheap chinese crap. I don't get it.
Parent - - By rfieldbuilds (**) Date 04-29-2009 02:01
I recently bought a pair of Red Wing boots. I was tired of hearing everyone tell me about their love affair with their Red Wings. I had to know for myself. Are they really that great. I bought em, hated em and figured the local store wouldn't take em back after a few months of use. Come to find out, Made in China was on a tag in the boot but not on the shelf tag. The rep neglected to tell me they were insulated with thinsulate. My feet were adrift in sweat starting at about 10AM each day. I told the store manager about my situation. Much to my suprise they offered to accept the boots as a trade in towards something more suited to my climate and taste. I never brought it up to the mgr, but the seam on one heel was already tearing out and I had NO support in the uppers.  The Vibram sole (don't know where these are made today) was in excellent shape. The service was exceptional. They handed me a catalog and said to pick out something I wanted. What I noticed was a good percentage of their boots are made off shore. You gotta really be persistent to find and buy MADE IN THE USA products.

Fool me once...Well, you know
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 05-01-2009 01:59
I buy Red Wing boots and mine are made in USA. They are all leather. I think my main boots used to be called the Red Wing Irish Setters but are now called 'Pecos'. I hear you about the chinese boots. All chinese footwear makes my feet sweat like crazy.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Toxic Chinese drywall

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