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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / April 15th Tea Party
- - By swsweld (****) Date 04-14-2009 01:30
Anybody going to one?
They are not suppose to be an anti Obama or anti democrat protest.
They are suppose to be a peaceful protest to the governments (and it includes the last administration) out of control spending and the forthcoming taxes to pay for it. Most will have speakers that will promote much smaller government and oppose the increasing government control of our rights and oppose the governments bailouts and the coming control of the banking, auto, lending, energy, healthcare industries and much more.

The only way to let them know that we reject this direction we are going in is to show up. They think they have a mandate to change our country in a dramatic and radical way because they won the election. I think that there were many people that were disgusted with Bush/Iraq/Republicans and didn't vote at all or voted for Obama. I'm seeing some voters remorse. Most people didn't think we would be contemplating taxing cow flatulence, death tax, cap and trade(taxing the amount of electricity that you use due to so called global warming), out of control spending and government control to this degree so soon.
The United States of America became a great (by no means perfect) nation because of our liberty and freedom from a tyrannical government, we do not need a nanny state that coddles us from cradle to grave. It's unfortunate but necessary for people and businesses to fail from time to time. It's called checks and balances. It works.
1. Respect the constitution
2. Respect life
3. Smaller government
4. Personal responsibility
Choose your state and attend one or more if possible.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 04-14-2009 17:03
"Most people didn't think we would be contemplating taxing cow flatulence, death tax, cap and trade(taxing the amount of electricity that you use due to so called global warming), out of control spending and government control to this degree so soon."

'So soon', I think may be the operative. Its not like these totalitarian tendencies of Obama's have not existed in his rhetoric and voting record from the beginning. All there for anyone to see if interested. All there and spoken of from the beginning of the campaign. But in general we weren't interested. We ignored it. Didn't want to hear it. Well, more and more are beginning to listen now.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 04-14-2009 18:06
I know a few people who were for the BIG O and now .........not so much.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-14-2009 19:37
  Your comment reminded me of a bumper sticker I saw on the way home from work last week. It suprised me on two levels. The first was that I had yet to see one like it. It read "Obama won the election, People in Iran celebrated. DO YOU GET IT YET?"

The second suprise, at least for me was when I saw that it was a colored man driving. Now I do not want this to sound racial because the intent is far from it, and I know that not every colored person voted for him. It just suprised me.


Sorry for the slight highjack. :-)
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 04-15-2009 13:56
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 04-15-2009 02:14
You are right, that's what he campaigned on. He has the distinction of being the only senator to vote for infanticide in Illinois, so having said that, nothing surprises me. Disappointed but not surprised. Some people knew it would be like this. Many don't see the big picture or they are not concerned with political things. I sometimes wish I wasn't concerned.

It's bizarre that many people in this forum meet the criteria of "right wing extremist" grouped in with the Aryan Nation, T. McVeigh, KKK, according to the latest report from the Dept. of Homeland Security. This report pretty much incriminates all conservatives, anti abortionists, home schoolers, third party supporters (Ron Paul), border control proponents, constitutionalists, opposers of oppressive government, state rights supporters.
By the DHS report the Governor of Texas Rick Perry, is the leader of a huge right wing extremists group because he backs Texas sovereignty under the 10th amendment.  The DHS are more concerned with "conservative terrorist" than they are with Islamist terrorist. They don't want to offend Islam but are quick to condemn conservatism. No surprises, they won't even use the term "war on terror"

Rick Perry
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-15-2009 04:21
I have a beard and like rock & roll. I guess that makes Me a right wing radical who might be a communist. :-)
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / April 15th Tea Party

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