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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Successful Rescue
- - By swsweld (****) Date 04-14-2009 02:16

Congratulations to all parties involved in this rescue. It went well and the good guys won and the bad guys lost. The SEALS did a great job and credit Obama for giving the Navy a green light to take action.
I hope this doesn't result in the deaths of the other kidnapped foreign sailors (230). I'm sure this wasn't the SEALS most difficult mission but lots could have gone wrong. Glad it didn't. Another hero in Captain Richard Phillips.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 04-14-2009 16:56
I too would give credit here to the President. He gave to go ahead, I'm sure, and then stayed out of it and let the FBI and the Navy do their jobs.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 04-14-2009 19:26
Yeah, Let the Navy and our military do there jobs without all the politcal crap to worry about!!  Amen
Parent - - By mcostello (**) Date 04-15-2009 03:33
If there ever was a time for the Navy Seals to start a beer fund, this would be it!
Parent - By Bob Garner (***) Date 04-16-2009 20:55
I thought it was sooo cool that the Navy offered to tow the pirates to calm waters.  And when they did, they slowly reeled them in to get a closer shot.  Stupid pirates!  Never accept any offers from the "other side".
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-24-2009 05:50
I recieved this eMail from a friend today:

>>>> > This was past on by a Naval friend................
>>>> >
>>>> > Having spoken to some SEAL pals here in Virginia Beach yesterday and
>>>> > asking why this thing dragged out for 4 days, I got the following:
>>>> >
>>>> > 1.  BHO wouldn't authorize the DEVGRU/NSWC SEAL teams to the scene > for
>>>> > 36 hours going against OSC (on scene commander) recommendation.
>>>> > 2.  Once they arrived, BHO imposed restrictions on their ROE that > they
>>>> > couldn't do anything unless the hostage's life was in "imminent"
>>>> > danger
>>>> > 3.  The first time the hostage jumped, the SEALS had the raggies all
>>>> > sighted in, but could not fire due to ROE restriction
>>>> > 4.  When the navy RIB came under fire as it approached with supplies,
>>>> > no fire was returned due to ROE restrictions.  As the raggies were
>>>> > shooting at the RIB, they were exposed and the SEALS had them all
>>>> > dialed in.
>>>> > 5.  BHO specifically denied two rescue plans developed by the
>>>> > Bainbridge CPN and SEAL teams
>>>> > 6.  Bainbridge CPN and SEAL team CDR finally decide they have the
>>>> > OpArea and OSC authority to solely determine risk to hostage.  4 > hours
>>>> > later, 3 dead raggies
>>>> > 7.  BHO immediately claims credit for his "daring and decisive"
>>>> > behaviour.  As usual with him, it's BS.
>>>> >
>>>> > So per our last email thread, I'm downgrading Oohbaby's performace to
>>>> > D-.  Only reason it's not an F is that the hostage survived.
>>>> >
>>>> > Read the following accurate account.
>>>> >
>>>> > Philips' first leap into the warm, dark water of the Indian Ocean
>>>> > hadn't worked out as well. With the
>>>> > Bainbridge in range and a rescue by his country's Navy possible,
>>>> > Philips threw himself off of his
>>>> > lifeboat prison, enabling Navy shooters onboard the destroyer a clear
>>>> > shot at his captors - and none was taken.
>>>> > The guidance from National Command Authority - the president of the
>>>> > United States, Barack Obama - had been clear: a peaceful solution was > the only
>>>> > acceptable outcome to this standoff unless the hostage's life was in > clear, extreme danger.
>>>> > The next day, a small Navy boat approaching the floating raft was
>>>> > fired on by the Somali pirates - and
>>>> > again no fire was returned and no pirates killed. This was again due
>>>> > to the cautious stance assumed by
>>>> > Navy personnel thanks to the combination of a lack of clear guidance
>>>> > from Washington and a mandate
>>>> > from the commander in chief's staff not to act until Obama, a man > with
>>>> > no background of dealing with
>>>> > such issues and no track record of decisiveness, decided that any
>>>> > outcome other than a "peaceful
>>>> > solution" would be acceptable.

>>>> > After taking fire from the Somali kidnappers again Saturday night, > the
>>>> > onscenecommander decided he'd had enough.
>>>> >
>>>> > Keeping his authority to act in the case of a clear and present
>>>> > danger to the hostage's
>>>> > life and having heard nothing from Washington since yet another
>>>> > request to mount a rescue operation
>>>> > had been denied the day before, the Navy officer - unnamed in all
>>>> > media reports to date - decided
>>>> > the AK47 one captor had leveled at Philips' back was a threat to the
>>>> > hostage's life and ordered the
>>>> > NSWC team to take their shots.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Three rounds downrange later, all three brigands became enemy KIA and
>>>> > Philips was safe.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > There is upside, downside, and spinside to the series of events over
>>>> > the last week that culminated in
>>>> > yesterday's dramatic rescue of an American hostage.

>>>> > Almost immediately following word of the rescue, the Obama
>>>> > administration and its supporters claimed
>>>> > victory against pirates in the Indian Ocean and [1] declared that the
>>>> > dramatic end to the standoff put
>>>> > paid to questions of the inexperienced president's toughness and
>>>> > decisiveness.

>>>> > Despite the Obama administration's (and its sycophants') attempt to
>>>> > spin yesterday's success as a result
>>>> > of bold, decisive leadership by the inexperienced president, the
>>>> > reality is nothing of the sort.
>>>> > What should have been a standoff lasting only hours - as long as it
>>>> > took the USS Bainbridge and its
>>>> > team of NSWC operators to steam to the location - became an
>>>> > embarrassing four day and counting
>>>> > standoff between a ragtag handful of criminals with rifles and a U.S
>>>> > Navy warship.

       Make what You want of it. Dave
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 04-24-2009 12:53
ROE essentially means lawyers, and political criteria, are making strategic decisions.
And when we say ROE restrictions, that generally means the lawyers are still debating the particulars of the ROE for this application.
Its not like these ROE's are crystal clear. The devil is in the details.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-24-2009 13:31
I've heard something independently to the same effect. The media may have white washed this into action by obama, but the military has an entirely different take on it behind closed doors.
Parent - - By lonestarwelder7 (**) Date 04-24-2009 21:13
Attachment: GO20NAVY1.jpg (0B)
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 04-24-2009 22:26
You can buy your own right here
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Successful Rescue

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