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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Credit Cards
- - By Kix (****) Date 04-16-2009 12:39
Did anyone elses credit APR go up 4 points just recently?  First it was my wifes card about a month ago and now both of mine are.  My cards are from a totally different company on top of it.  I was told by my CC company that most of the CC companies are doing this because of the bad economic  Last time I checked, a fixed APR ment it stayed at that APR till you were negligent which I have not been. So I'm in the market for a new card at the moment.  Anyone know of any companies offering decent fixed APR rates that aren't going to jack em up in a month because they can't run a business?
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 04-16-2009 13:06
I only use Amex blue, and I pay off every month. They actually pay me to use the card.  3% back for gas and travel, and 2% for most other purchases.  I get back a couple hundred dollars a year.  I have never paid interest on a credit card in my entire life.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 04-16-2009 13:39
We had a credit card get stolen.  I haven't cancelled it because the thief is spending less money than my wife.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 04-16-2009 13:50
Thats nice!!!!  :-)
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 04-16-2009 13:42
Interesting.  Sounds like I'm way out of the know. lol  So is the Amex blue considered a business card or some sort?  I was forced to apply for a "business card" after they jacked my APR so I don't have to use my original two cards anymore.  They said it will not affect my credit for applying for this card.  I don't remember them saying anything about having to pay it off every month though, but sounds about right since my company will be reimbursing me for everything I put on it.  I to get rewards for this new business card, but I don't know the details at the moment.  I like the 3% back for fuel and 2% for purchases.  I wonder if that's what the cash back option was on the one business card they offered was about.  I chose the world points card or something like that.
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 04-16-2009 13:51
The Amex Blue is a Costco (Wholesale Wharehouse Club) card.  It is not the same as the Executive 'Gold' business card.  It costs around $55 a year, but that includes the Costco membership, then they rebate back from that, so I always end up getting both of them for free + some cash back.  There is zero interest if you pay Amex Blue monthly, but the regular interest is something like 12.5-14%.  The minimum to pay is $15 a month.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 04-16-2009 15:31 Edited 06-03-2011 04:13
i dont use credit cards tried it once and they were low limit cards ( trying to reestablish mine and my wifes credit) what a joke i finally cancelled them and payed them off no more credit cards if the money aint there we dont need it
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 04-16-2009 17:07
The pay as you go is a good way to budget.  In the old days when I was working in Texas, I used to do that.  Back then there was no such thing as a credit card scannner at the grocery store.  Heck, the grocery store did not even take credit cards.  They used to take my personal checks without a photo ID even!  Talk about trust!

Now I am spoiled though.  I go to the bank once every 3 months to get a small amount of cash. All the rest of the transactions are done electronically.  I still work with people that have a paper paycheck though. That is how they want things.  The company puts pressure on them to go with web banking and they always say no!  LOL
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 04-16-2009 17:13
All I have to say about credit cards is this....Fu*k 'em.  They are tools of the Devil.  :-)  Being the cheap prick I am, I canceled my "Credit Protection Insurance", where they will pay on my cards in the event that I get laid off.  I got tired of paying the $20 a month for something I don't need.

Then 3 weeks later I was laid off.  'Aint that a bit*h!!!
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-17-2009 01:23
Right On! THe borrower is slave to the lender. It takes about six months to wean yourself off the things. But after eight years w/o paying the unwashed bastages one thin dime, it feels GREAT
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-17-2009 20:40
mama said them credit cards was the DEVIL!!!
Parent - - By 357max (***) Date 04-17-2009 15:25
Could it be as the Federal Reserve reports; ..."credit card use now lowest in 30 years - over 9% decline in use..." The credit card banks do not like to lose. They make those that use cc pay a higher interest and their (the banks) income stays up. Check out Dave Ramsey at Financial Peace University at  Dave hates debt and credit cards. Check it out if - That is if you would like to be - tatally debt free!
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 04-17-2009 18:25
I don't mind being responsibly in debt, but I'm pissed that my fixed APR went up 4 points because they can't run a business.  Every CC lender is in the same boat now so you won't find a new card for under 15% APR now.  Stupid!!!  Now CC usage is really going to get limited because no one wants to be hit with a 15% APR.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-18-2009 00:01
The only responsible debt would be a 15 year mortgage and only that if you put 20% down minimum and the payment with taxes is less than 25% of your income.
Out of a job sucks. Being out of a job and in debit, really sucks!
Not owing a dime to anybody and 6 months bills in the bank?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 04-18-2009 01:45
That's BS.  The only responsible debt is a bar tab.  :-)
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-18-2009 22:24
I dont know,
Don't pay your bar tab and you get shut off or beat up.
Don't pay your mortgage and the government will help you.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 04-18-2009 22:30
wish that government help wpuld of been in place last year when i lost everything
Parent - - By bruce69 (*) Date 04-19-2009 00:47
The real reason they raised your rates is for one reason: greed.  Find Dave Ramsey on your A.M. radio and listen to what he has to say.  I'm convinced that outside of not having your health, that debt is the worst thing in the world.  It's taken me almost 40 years to learn but I'll never make a payment on anything again as long as I live.  Just get rid of every credit card and you will never have to worry about all the crap they try to pull on you.
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-19-2009 03:03
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Credit Cards

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