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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / America too big to fail?
- - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-22-2009 00:10
"We must learn the lessons of history. The Roman Republic was the longest-standing republic in the history of mankind. The Roman Empire lasted over a thousand years. There were many people that said Rome was too big to fail. I am sure that most of the citizens of the Roman Empire felt that way. The simple facts of the matter are that Rome fell for at least four reasons, and please listen carefully. A decline in moral values and political civility at home; an overconfident and overextended military; fiscal irresponsibility by the central government; and an inability to control one's borders. Does that sound familiar? It's time to wake up, study history, learn from it, and take steps to make sure that we are the first republic to stand the test of time."
David Walker, former Comptroller General of the Government Accounting Office
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 04-22-2009 03:34
You are 100% correct.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-22-2009 11:30 Edited 04-22-2009 11:37
Glad to see I am not the only one that see's it.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 04-25-2009 00:08
i don't believe or disbelieve anything on these pages they are just interesting.

my personal opinion is that america started out as the new greece and has end up as the new rome.
just my two cents
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-22-2009 11:45
illegitimi non carborundum
Parent - - By preston davis (**) Date 04-22-2009 22:51
its just plain scary when you look back at history, and see what this world is turnin into. it just kills me to think what my 4 yr. old is gonna haveto put up with when he's my age.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 04-24-2009 14:29
Preston- you need to bring him out to the house when we have our next BBQ. We have a complete of windmill generators,some pigs, goats, chickens, and sheep. A 3 acres garden and a shooting range on the back side of the pond. I am teaching my 3 y/o daughter what my grandparents taught me. Love and respect for the land and God. Hopefully it won't come down to stayin out of the city.
Parent - By preston davis (**) Date 04-24-2009 23:12
well you never know when we might just drop in
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-25-2009 15:33
I am thinking the same thing about my 4 year old. We are teaching him multiple languages already so that he can go where he needs and survive. I don't have a lot of faith that what I had, he'll have.
At the end of the day, the best defense against what I see coming is knowledge and an open mind. There will come a time, (in some respects already here) where history will be twisted, books burned, and in general the whole orsen wells experience. Already we are seeing books banned from schools etc due to their lack of political correctness, Public education being twisted to public indoctrinization, and parents rights to raise their children being slowly but surely removed. I for one believe in Adam and Eve, not adam and steve. Yet for me to stand up and state so in this society makes me somehow evil. I questioned the economic policies of obama at work, and was informed I was being racist and needed to keep that opinion to myself.
I fail to see where race comes into the equation when it comes to 2+2 = 4.

That is the world my son will have to deal with. A world where his thoughts will have to be constantly guarded if he is to be something more than an automaton.

I will give him all the knowledge I can free of twisted rhetoric for as long as I can. I will teach him right from wrong even if we have to bail out of this country for one that does not censor parents.

We will give our son the best chance that we can, after that it's up to his generation to carry it forward, and at the end of day, thats all that you can do for your children. The time will come when they have to make decisions on their own, empowering them with un-adulterated knowledge is therefore the best and only option for any parent imho.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-26-2009 08:03
I like this....but the sad part is its all TRUE.

Gerald I agree with you totally...I am doing all I can with my kids now but I think in reality they probably will never get the chance to leave home.....I think home is gonna be survival in a few years.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / America too big to fail?

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