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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / american taxes as well
- - By darren (***) Date 04-25-2009 05:02
read through this one for a good laugh...either with pain or disbelief either way it'll make you wonder. it applies to american taxes as well it just comes from canada because homeland security isn't here just yet.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 04-26-2009 06:44
good for a laugh alright that guy is crazy or his tinfoil hat is cutting of the circulation to his brain
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 04-26-2009 10:21
if you are to study legislation, it is not so nuts.
we are programed to believe something that is hype.
the declaration of independence and the constitution are the only law documents that need to be referred too.
they are the basis for the republic.
we are all just corporate machines within a system.
find out what your social security card really represents, you might find out that even a tinfoil hat won't keep out the truth.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-26-2009 14:38
There have been several who've tried to utilize the legal response your driving at. Most are in jail.
There are a lot of laws that are unconstitutional, laws regarding firearms, laws regarding hate crimes being extended to speach,
laws allowing illegal immigrants access to government services, and on and on and on.
From a legal standpoint, I once poised the question you've posted to a federal judge who was a friend of the family.
There is some legal precedence for it. However; the Supreme court would have to hear it for any real value to come of it.
For them to hear it, one of the already jailed persons would have to have serious financial backing and then it may or may not be heard.
At the end of the day, the Internal Reaming Service is the governments armed (yes armed) shakedown artist. You don't actually
expect presidents and congresspersons to pay for that steak at lunch do you?

Bottom line is, being right is pointless when you start taking from the government kitty. It will simply do no good at all other than
get you jailed or killed to fight it alone. It will take an uprising en mass before that can happen.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 04-26-2009 18:09
the part that i find numbing is that "we" give the government the right to protect our rights, the government has no inherent rights of its own. we the people have rights, and the govt tells us what we can/have to do or not do. that makes no sense.
Parent - - By kipman (***) Date 04-26-2009 14:39
I can't read it.  Too much color on his site.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 05-02-2009 03:14
I agree, maybe early morning read....but got bored quick....sounded logical from the first few paragraphs I read though.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / american taxes as well

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