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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / welding bed reduced
- - By jrod (**) Date 04-27-2009 15:03 Edited 09-02-2009 04:52
welding bed off of a 07 ford for sale located in Eastland Texas. 325 370 9847 if you have any other questions. I'll take $4500
Parent - - By texasrigwelder (**) Date 04-29-2009 06:40
dont know scott stacey do ya
Parent - - By jrod (**) Date 04-29-2009 23:02
i know the name but i can't place him
Parent - - By jrod (**) Date 05-14-2009 03:56
nobody interested?
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 05-17-2009 00:21
Welding is slow for the most part, it might be a while before you get any hits
Parent - By pypLynr (***) Date 06-18-2009 04:14
JROD , PM me some info on your blue oval rig ... 7.3 or 6.0 ... mileage , etc . I would love to see more pics of it .
Parent - - By bigrod (**) Date 06-18-2009 19:26
is he from around enid and works for watkins?
Parent - - By jrod (**) Date 06-18-2009 19:39
Parent - - By bigrod (**) Date 06-18-2009 21:49
scott stacey
Parent - - By texasrigwelder (**) Date 06-27-2009 02:34
no from eastland
Parent - By jrod (**) Date 09-02-2009 18:37
Parent - - By GQ COWBOY (*) Date 10-22-2009 13:21
hey, I have a white and tan 2003 dully bed in very good shape, would you do a trade with some cash..
I had a blow out on my bed and got another bed to replace my bed.
I'm katy, tx I'll text a few pic's of it. I have an 2003 F350 im rigging out. I know things are slow,
but you got to do something to bring in the cash..
Parent - - By jrod (**) Date 10-22-2009 18:52
give me a call an we will see if we can work something out 325 370 9847
Parent - By GQ COWBOY (*) Date 10-26-2009 13:44 Edited 10-26-2009 13:47
sorry, been out of town. I'll take the pic's today.
and call you later today as well. I was in Ft worth this weekend.
If I had looked to see were Eastland was, I wasn't far from you...
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / welding bed reduced

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