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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / oil in Montana
- - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-09-2009 13:32

We are victims of our own complacency. While people are being put out of a job by the thousands, congress and the tree hugging bas$&&# cry wolf. They have still not explained why it is the earth has actually been cooling the last 10 years. No oil (them evil oil people should be shot for making a profit It's the DEVIL), no gas (see oil), no coal (Big coal is the DEVIL), no nuclear (We don't understand it, therefore it's the DEVIL), and now no more hydro, no large solar, no more wind (they area all the DEVIL)

WHEN will sanity take hold again? Anyone here think China, India, or Vietnam care about any of that? We have ability to make all the energy we need to be competative, but these tree hugging BAS*&^^'s would rather we stand destitute in a food line, than at the head of the line giving food to those in need. We are slowly being choked to death in political/environmental correctness and the absolute worst thing about the whole deal is it's our own damn government choking us.
Parent - By hotrodtodd (**) Date 05-09-2009 17:31
amen brother
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 05-09-2009 19:16
I agree with your points.  However, just a couple of weeks ago I saw a show on the Science Channel (may have been Discovery) that explained why  global warming was making the planet cooler.

I know it sounds goofy and very well could be wrong but this show actually made their points with data and not warm, fuzzy, feel-good emotional type stuff.

Remember now, I am on your side.  Just referring to an interesting documentary.

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 05-09-2009 20:08
I think I read on another forum at one time about the demographics of Montana as per the posters view. You have your average working stiffs then you have your tree huggin wealthy "Kalifornians" that move out there and have their "Kalifornia" views. You know who I mean, movie types. They have a bit more pull than average schmucks like us and less of a need to worry about $4 per gallon gas and diesel, buying a $50k hybrid or an electric car is easier when your bank accounts have more than 6 zero's and above. I've talked to several guys online out in Montana and they often say it's being ruined by the west coast types. Senators/Congress should be average schmucks and get paid $30-40K per year without all of those extra income perks they get so we have folks with their feet actually on the ground.

I agree if we have oil on our land why not use it. We've got to save everything, or from a different point of view, perhaps we're using up the worlds resources first then we'll tap into ours here at home??

At first it was global warming, schools beating it into my kids heads now and they talk about it. Then a year or so ago it went from global warming to global climate change this way they can cover their butts if it actually starts cooling and say, "told you so". Al Gore is getting a statue in Nashville for his efforts or whatever you wish to call them, has a nice 10k square foot house too, that's pretty green huh?
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-09-2009 23:21
Here is something you won't see in Kalifornia.
CHits going to hit the fan over this one. The Federal government has over extended it's legal reach big time. Montana, Texas, and Alaska are lining up to poke a thumb in their eye using gun control being that all gun control laws are predicated on interstate commerce. This is promising to be just the first shot in a series of them.
At least some states in the union have the testicular fortitude to stand up and tell the "6 zero" bank accounts to kiss their proverbial arses.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 05-09-2009 23:12
Cut their power off to the big cities and DC, cut off their heating gas, turn off their water, let raise their own food, let them live like cave men and see how long the greenies last !  We have two companies one from Norway another from Sweden wanting to invest and build wind generators in our area but no one here has the money yet to build a grid system to move the power out to the cities.  Probably have to do a bunch of environmental and archelogical studies before can put poles in the ground lol.  Might disturb a rattle snake?  Hissssssssss !!
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-09-2009 23:35

that's a sore spot with me, for years and years the tree huggers screamed about green power. Wind, solar, etc. Now that it's on their collective doorsteps... ohhh no, can't have that can we? Why it might kill some birds, or disturb a desert rattle snake. Why even the thought of a single desert scorpion being killed is just terrible isnt it?

As for the other post about global warming. All I hear is carbon neutral carbon this carbon that. Co2. I have a fix for global warming. It's called a tree. I know that's a revelation to some of them, but there is this little thing called photosynthesis, it's been around a while, but apparently al gore has never heard of it. Funny for a guy that "invented the internet" not to be aware of something like that.

There are only two things I recognize as having any hard scientific evidence for causing elevated Co2 levels. Those are pollution of the seas, and deforestation. Historically through ice and rock cores any time in history that there has been major volcanic activity in an area, or large chunks of forrest get waxed through one natural distaster or another, or there has been elevated Co2 levels.
Could it be that the two largest natural carbon scrubbers on the planet being FUBAR'd might have something to do with increased carbon levels??? nawww can't be that, something like that wouldn't give the governments of the world enough reason to take over everything and effectively tax us for the air we breath.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 05-10-2009 07:48
I think what you said would fall under the whole "common sense" category and we all know that DC has a bit of a time with that whole concept.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-10-2009 13:13
Your right, we have to check common sense at the door when dealing with the government. My mistake.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 05-11-2009 10:00
mother nature has a major algae bloom in her arsenal to quell co2 levels, i just dont think that humans would endure it so well.
also given entropy; solar, geo, hydro, areo energy system still tax "the system".
there are too many of us and unless the system's pretexts change or the archetype model change.
we all gonna die,
what i think is funny is we all try and be part of kyoto but when bc canada's beetle kill goes up in flames there is going to be more co2 released than all the humans combined in a out and out hydrocarbon burn party.
perspective is more rare than the rarest of gems,
the reason i reference this website is because at the bottom of the page describes diamonds which whom most people recognize as the most rare but as our reality through the media, facts do not bear. diamonds are common and so is ignorance with an attached high commodity price. the truth however is free and most often disregarded.
just my free rendering
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 05-11-2009 13:44
As far as deforestation and algae go, 75% of our oxygen produced, and CO2 removed happens in our oceans. All thanks to algae.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / oil in Montana

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