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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Schicklgruber the Rock Star Fails the Cries for Freedom
- - By js55 (*****) Date 06-19-2009 12:43
In an act of embarrasing appeasement, and act of abject cowardice, the ears of Schicklgruber Obama fall deaf at the cries for freedom emanating from Iran.
I for one will offer my own apology for America, in stark contrast to Obama's famous apology tours, though my own is only an apology for our mealy mouthed President and his Ostrich supporters.
I apologize that our President refuses to fulfill his high fallootin, if often vague and illegible, words when the voices of freedom cried out for his support. I am genuinely ashamed of the man we are supposed to call our leader. A man who steadfastly refused to lead for fear of 'inflaming' the situation as his mealy mouthed supporters in the press so readily argue.
For so long in this country the liberals have bashed Bush by stating that instead of his aggressive martial talk in establishing Iran as one of the 'Axis of Evil' he should encourage grassroots movements from within. Never mind he actually was. Why do you think Ahmadinijad and the Ayatollah hated him so much?
And here we are, the liberals guy, Schicklgruber the Rock Star, with an opportunity to do that very thing. AND HE DOES NOTHING!!!!
He can't even talk, his greatest assett, of support.
But he sure looks good doing it.
Well Mr. President, you lent your support to Ahmadinijad. God help us if you aren't successful in dealing with him. But conitnuing to 'vote present' will not get it done.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 06-19-2009 13:35
Did you notice how some of the protest signs were in english.
we are no longer the champion of freedom, our prez is clearly opportunistic as he never takes a stand on anything, yet takes credit for anything that make him look good.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-19-2009 13:55
Yes I did notice the English. They were clearly speaking to us and our President.
For cripe sake, the Europeans had a stronger response than we did, including the French. Its embarrassing. We have no leadership.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 06-20-2009 05:29
It is embarassing the whole world IS laughing at us especially one turkey hiding in his cave yet grrrrrrr.  That thing I put up about the cows came from England & Europe laughing at us ! :(
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Schicklgruber the Rock Star Fails the Cries for Freedom

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