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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Rear frame fabrication
- By thomas45 Date 06-21-2009 18:34
Hi guys I’m working on a 67' ChevII and I’m doing a custom 3 link on it. Im replacing the frame rails and adding a cross member to mount the links to. Now I have the x member and the frame rails tacked in. I was looking at the whole deal and it looks like I can drop the whole pig out. My question is: now that I have the rear rails and x member tacked and measured out for the car, can I remove the whole unit and complete it out of the car? Or should I just weld it up in the car? Some of the parts I need to get to and weld are very hard to reach, this would make it alot easier as you can imagin. Request assistance please
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Rear frame fabrication

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