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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / where do you fit in?
- - By darren (***) Date 06-27-2009 23:54 Edited 06-27-2009 23:58
google "Operation Garden Plot" "Operation Cable Splicer" "REX-84" "Presidential Executive Orders".
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-28-2009 03:25

Most countries in the world have similar locations. Canada is no different. A lot of it was driven by cold war efforts to prepare for the aftermath of a nuclear attack.
(insanity at best)
Care has to be taken when reading anything of this nature as it can be manipulated by both sides of the fence. I've worked a lot of government facilities, some of which I had access to photographically. (legally).
I could take pictures of them and use them as the central "evidence" of whatever conspiracy I wished.
It is true that there are camps, but they are not in places you would expect. Recent history in the aftermath of Katrina revealed the location of two of them in the New Orleans area, and 1 in the Houston area. The government of any nation that maintains military bases does not have to go through special efforts to creat concentration camps. All they have to do is park it right under your nose at the local fenced in airport, military bases, and other facilities of that nature.

It is my opinion that any event large enough to give cause for use of concentration camp style corraling will be so big that the majority of the military and nearly all the police will fall appart from an organization standpoint. That point was graphically made in the events following Katrina. Most of the police, and national guard bailed.

The point was graphically made in the fall of the USSR as well. What little military and police that stood was near powerless to do anything. Where do you think the soldiers and police went when it all came appart? Home, thats where. Had there not been a wholesale AWOL event for their military and police, I believe history would have been painting a very different picture right now.

My opinion for what it's worth,
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 06-28-2009 06:35 Edited 06-28-2009 06:38
I know for a fact that the Heart Mountain Internment Camp in Wyoming (WWII Japanese) is not in any way, shape, form or fashion ready for use. Only an interpretive tourist site.
That being said, I have no doubts that our govnt. is ready for most any scenario for all our good! This is why I do not "own" any firearms and never let my 44 gallon gas tank get below 1/2.

I may be paranoid, but that don't mean they aint watching.

20 years ago a friend of mine, (former door gunner in Nam) warned me that FEMA was the most misunderstood and powerful branch of the government.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 06-28-2009 13:46
Places like this are necessary for a large civilization , its sad but true that in desperate times we take to desperate measures.
These are mere tools to maintain order when order breaks down.
they could be used in many ways, Floods,Quentines,internmant camps,prision camps,mass disaster check points,military bases, ect.
To me its not so much a surprise that these places exist, they can be used for good or Bad.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-28-2009 15:14
If we were to have a fear of such things perhaps we might take a look at who was in power the last time they were used on any sizable scale in this country.
In fact, take a look at who is in power almost ALWAYS, and anywhere, such places are utilized.
History as teacher?
Most assuredly.
If one wishes to actually pay attention.
Its a lot of trouble however,and can be mildly traumatic, to overturn decades of revisionist history and indoctrination at our most basic elementary school level.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / where do you fit in?

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