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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Geopolitical Confusion
- - By js55 (*****) Date 06-30-2009 16:26
What am I missing here.

The voices of freedom and fairness in Iran cry out for our backing, the backing of the American President, and Schicklgruber essentially says nothing.
His reason, it is not our place to get involved in Iranian politics and we do not want to be perceived as meddling.
Seems we were accused of it anyway. Ahmadinijad did a good job of America bashing. You couldn't see this coming?
Obviously Ahmadinijad is not near as concerned with what Schicklgruber thinks of him.


The voices of freedom overthrow a rising despot in Honduras (Hugo Chavez lite) and Schicklgruber immediately, I said IMMEDIATELY, condemns their activity.
We shouldn't get involved in Iran but we should get involved in Honduras?
Condemning is not involvment you say?
OK. I'll buy that.
I suppose for consistency sake Schicklgruber would have condemned the voices of freedom in Iran as well had they overthrown the Mullahs.
So, twice now he has been obstructionist to the voices of freedom.
Anybody else see a problem, or a PATTERN here?
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-30-2009 17:37
As for Iran...  If the USA takes a side, it will be worked against us.  Besides we are not good at it.  Only the oil companies are devious enough.  Rudyard Kipling wrote a line for an epitaph; "Here lies a fool who tried to hustle the East."   We are still the "Great Satan".

It is kind of like the Catholic Church.  If the Church tells us not to read a certain book because it is immoral or full of falsehoods, or for any other doctrinal reason, a lot of Catholics, who wouldn't ordinarily read anything but comics and sports sections, go right out and buy it and read it.  If the Church doesn't proscribe a book, it runs the normal sales and life cycle.  If the US stays out of Iranian politics, there will be no way to blame the US.  Remember most of those people alive today in Iran were glad to see the US humiliated and run out when the Embassy was taken over. They wanted Mullas to run their lives, - Let them live with them.  Let them live with Sharia law, or overthrow and repudiate it.  They deserve the government they got!   No matter what side wins in the current rebellion, we will still be the enemy, and there will be a theocratic emperor in charge there.  Iranians, Arabians, Iraquis, Israelis, Egyptians, Pakistanis, Lybians, Indians - They are not our friends.  We are only sometimes usefull fools.

As for Honduras why do you call a Military coup, "...the voices of freedom overthrow a rising despot in Honduras...".   Haven't we read enough about military Coups in "Banana Republics", (In fact in every republic except Thailand), to know they are an "ill wind".  How soon we forget the hand wringing about Salvador Allende and the Chilean Military Coup.  How soon we forget that the US Press actively cheered Che Guevara and Fidel Castro on and pumped them up to the American Public.  How soon we forget the American "Support" for the 1956 Hungarian Rebellion, and the hand wringing when we didn't send troops.   We knew about the invasion of Czeckoslovakia (through radio intercepts) weeks before it happened, but did nothing. 

"AND,  what about Africa...???...
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-30-2009 17:58
In Iran, it was worked against us. Those who believe Ahmadinijad, will believe him. Those who don't, won't. It has little to do with reality. Schicklgruber sat there helpless while Ahmadinijad blamed us and the Brits for interference. The people of importance, those fighting for freeedom and fair elections are the ones that matter. All they wanted was a voice of support.
Besides, the argument of working against us by simply commenting didn't seem to be in Schicklgrubers mind when considering commenting on Honduras.

I remember Allende. The difference is, there is no evidence we were involved in this one. Nobody is even suggesting it. And I would be shocked with this President anyway. It was self generated.
And again, all we had to do was voice support. I ain't talkin about boots on the ground or cruise missiles. We underestimate how important this can be.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Geopolitical Confusion

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