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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Any1 feelin the CHANGE?
- - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-02-2009 00:26
Has anyones taxes gone up?
you all wont believe the new taxes that MA has created.
The new income tax rate kicked in today.
Gas tax
Toll hike (Hidden tax)
Smoke tax
Radio preformance tax.
Seems like this state is scrambling to get as much revenue as possible.
The state troopers are out in FULL force.
Speeding fine rates have gone up.
then the feds are next what are they gonna do?
Cap & trade
fed sales tax
health care tax
To think our country revolted over 3% tax
whats it now 45 50% more?
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-02-2009 13:11
"Not one dime" he said. 
That was months ago.
Now its, "I'm open to the idea".
Months from now it will be, "Bend over".
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 07-02-2009 16:33
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-02-2009 17:00
I stand corrected.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-02-2009 18:35
I am just waiting for the science of getting gold out of ether. Obama seems to think it's possible.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-02-2009 18:58
Its going to be interesting to see just how far he slips back into his sleezy Chicago tactics as his popularity continues to drop and even Democrats become less and less willing to gamble their own political futures on controversial legislation.
And how long are the American people gonna put up with the perpetual campaign trail as he tries to 'clarify' for us that which he himself has even yet to clarify to his supporters in congress.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-02-2009 19:55
Just as long as the unrepentant anti-bushers in the fourth estate love him, you will need the vaseline.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-02-2009 20:15
Thats a fact Joe.
Bernard Goldberg's  'A Slobbering Love Affair' is an excellent read and on that very subject.
However, there was an interesting event that took place recently. Two west coast liberal political reporters were publicly beating each other up over who had been more soft on Schicklgruber. I'm not sure I have ever heard of such a thing.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-03-2009 22:58
to me this is all good evidence of how strong the economy .....was....because they have tried a great deal of tactics to kill the dollar and it is still hanging in there. i think that they want to make sure that when it jumps of a cliff that there will be an assurance of its death.
way to many events going on for me to believe this is a calamity of errors.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-03-2009 23:18
So do you believe there is an active effort to kill the dollar? If so, to what end?
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-04-2009 01:29
This is all leading to a world economic system, the dollar has been to far ahead of 3rd world countries. The goal of so many of these new policies seems to be to hold back the usa to give them a chance to narrow the gap. Think about some of the things that has happened with transportation, education, and energy.
the feds are hiding behind this global warming farce and writing laws to prevent something that’s probably not real, no oil rigs (don’t drill there might be a spill but they don’t mention that natural seepage is pouring oil into the oceans daily) no new nuke plants to dangerous(yet  other countries are encouraged to build them). No coal (yet a coal fire in china has been burning for 50 years). No gas guzzlers (yet china now builds the EVIL Hummer).
Think about the fact that the majority of the bail out has gone to budget relief not only for the USA but other countries too, I have seen as much as 2 /3 as the number. so if the economy was so bad why would they spend cash on programs and budget relief, and not factories and industrial institutes? Honestly I don’t see very many Shovel ready projects going on........except for the horse crap they shoveling down our throats.

This is from an article written 2007
Dollar, schmollar ... I'm gonna spend!
The massive account deficit we currently hold with the rest of the world totals some $800 billion per year. Where the heck is all that money coming from? From foreign investors in China, Japan, the Middle East, and nearly every other conceivable corner of the globe. They have no problem lending us the difference, because while we as a country spend more than we make -- we're still incredibly wealthy and good on our word.

NOTE THIS NEXT PART…id be more then happy to lend someone a boat load of cash who may not be able to pay me back simply because when the don’t pay I start taking his belongings…..Chinas plan…….they own more than any of us would like to believe.

But like a massive Ponzi scheme, the fun will certainly end. In the past six years, the value of the dollar has taken a serious beating. The Euro, worth $0.85 a few years ago, is now worth $1.47. Yikes. But because the average American shops mostly within the borders, this probably isn't too pressing an issue, and so the greenback's plummet doesn't show its full effects.
How about the foreign investors funding our perilous spending party? You'd better believe they're keeping a close eye on the dollar's precipitous plunge. As a foreign investor holding assets denominated in dollars, every drop in the dollar erodes the value their investments will be worth when they choose to convert them back to their native currency, whether yuan, yen, euros, or pounds.
How do we keep our foreign investors happy? With a rapidly depreciating currency, there is but one way to keep them enticed: higher interest rates. You heard it: higher interest rates. With the housing and credit markets swimming in turmoil, the idea of higher interest rates sends shivers down the backs of homeowners facing foreclosure, and rightly so. I think you can see the predicament we face: One part of our economy demands lower interest rates to bail out the housing debacle, and foreign investors who finance our massive spending habits demand higher interest rates to forestall the dollar's demise.
My goodness, this is looking scary. What will happen next? More importantly, what's a Fool to do?-end-

AND What will happen next?  that’s the question we have the answer to ……….CRASH
Hide sight is 20/20 so we should all open our eyes.

Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-04-2009 01:59
Funny I was just on one of those sites.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 07-09-2009 21:35
Ahh- my favs.  For years the puppet masters have worked toward One world bank, One world gov.. all those that laughed 10 years ago, are enlightened.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-04-2009 18:17
yes absolutely, the goal is population control and serfdom.
those that are the controllers believe it is for our best, that is the scariest part.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-02-2009 19:57
Are you using the word "ether" to describe the chemical, or are you using the word "ether" in the archaic sense to mean "Thin Air"?
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-02-2009 21:37
That would be the archaic sense thin air.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 07-02-2009 23:29
Our property taxes in Texas pretty much doubled and everyone's income has not yet to my knowledge increased to cover the extra state and county taxes let alone the proposed federal ones.  Some politicians need to be looking for a job their pay check isn't going to be there soon the way they are going about things with the wrong changes.   
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-03-2009 00:30
Well what gets me is in MA we have SOOOOOOOO many politicians with crazy pensions, more assistants then you can imagine, the State government is using the taxes they collect like slush funds, cars,desks,day care, and much more.
Then the TRUE media (the crazy right) try’s to get them to make public the spending and they flat out deny this request.
I’m at the point where I ask "Who are these people robbing us?"
So many new taxes yet we are loosing public services at an alarming rate.
We are forced to buy town trash bags (or they don’t collect the trash in a store bought bag).
We are forced to pay extra money if we want our kids to ride a bus to school.
We now gotta buy pencils,crayons,and much more for school.
our police force is being cut.
firemen being cut.
teachers being cut.
yet they still get 130,000 pensions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take note USA Massachusetts is a DEM state and has been for a long time and ill tell you these people are crooks, and care nothing for any1 or anything but kickbacks.
Of the tolls the MA pike collects 70% is spent on the turnpike authorities payroll and other non road related spending.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-03-2009 23:50
45 to 50 percent tax.. I think it's a bit higher than that.
Every tax from the top down is passed onto the people.
If you take out the artificial rise in prices of any given item,
I count the dollar being worth 33 cents if that.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-04-2009 18:11
those that are our "leaders" will not bring the standard of living of the third and second world cultures up so they must bring our standard down........33% is lofty in my books.
death and taxes are the only things you can count on.
Parent - - By bruce69 (*) Date 07-05-2009 00:49
On July 11, 2006 I was listening to my radio on my way to work and they said it was the day we are free and clear of taxes for the year.  It made me want to turn around and go home.  It's probably a few days after that now.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 07-09-2009 06:57
With all the extra congress has spent this year that day is now decades away! :(
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-09-2009 21:03
I like to see if they have even done a CAR in regard to our economy, instead of  Blame storming meetings.
Corrective Action Report
Root cause analysis
suggested course of action
Implementation of remedy
Follow up (proof of successful actions).
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 07-10-2009 19:13
Tax appraiser told me not his fault they don't care.  I told him he might care when no one pays and he doesn't have a job or someone takes him out back kicking his A$$ !  Now I've heard those that are complaining and got an appointment to mediate had their's reduced some before they got there for appointment.  Still not enough and doesn't help the little guys in tough economic times just tax everyone out of business!  Government employees need to be taxed double or triple more off their paycheck too to help pay for the mess they created!  Offshore corporations taxed more for importing China junk !  
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Any1 feelin the CHANGE?

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