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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / new cwi
- - By cwi007 Date 07-02-2009 05:59
I"ve been in the UA for 15 years and just passed my CWI. What is the best way to get experience and start my new path on the road to wisdom. Everone has to start somewhere I would like so good advice ,from seasoned CWI's. I feel that I'm in the dark. I understand that I might have to take an entry level position somewhere. Every job that I have seen ask for exp.  Gotta start somewhere??????????????
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-02-2009 13:07
Even though I am a CWI, I am not a working CWI (looks good on a resume' :) ). Therefore, for career advice I have little. But, as for "start my new path on the road to wisdom.", by asking the question, recognizing the need, you have already started.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-03-2009 00:41
I would need to ask this.....Do you have a family , Kids , wife?
I would recommend seeking some inspection agencies for employment. in the past I would always call these agencies to send an inspector to the shop for in process and final inspection, and they were always crying we can find a CWI to travel out there.
So based on this I would suggest you seek a position in that field, the good thing about it to is you can deny the work if you feel its over your head, and you can be on the books for multiple companies.
If you could Travel ill give you a few contacts at your request.
Parent - - By cwi007 Date 07-03-2009 06:24
Yes Mike I do have a family.  I also do travel I'm out of 494, have been a traveler for 10 yrs. I would aperciate any help I could get this economy sucks the rats right out! That means less work for any union brother. Anyway any help would be great.
Parent - By hvymax (**) Date 09-04-2009 13:47
I don't know about your local but the sheet metal workers ITI has been pressing the locals to find CWI candidates. Recently many of our apprentice schools have become ATF's and issue AWS certs. You may want to approach your IA or local JAC about a teaching position or maybe approach some of your local companies about a QC/weld manager type of position. You may make more as a fitter than many inspectors and keeping up your benefits and pension should pay off in the long run unless you fall into one of those 6 of 7 figure inspection jobs. Supposedly when all of this nuke work breaks we will have more than we can handle teaching, testing, and ensuring that our trades maintain our share of the work.       Good Luck  John B
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / new cwi

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