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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Column Splices w/ different flg Thicknes
- - By MikeK Date 03-05-2002 18:01
Question: You have a column splice – Let’s say the lower column is a W14x311 and the upper column is a W14x99 (Unequal flange thicknesses). The detail calls for the flanges to be beveled on the w14x99 and the flanges welded with complete penetration weldments and the web connection is just a bolted splice plate. Does the welded connection need to have the transition between the thinner flange to the thicker flange welded with a sloped transition of 1 to 2.5 or chamfering the thicker flange, or a combination of both. The contract drawings and details does not show this to be required.
The QA on the project says it needs to be done and has question the engineer regarding this.
Any comment and or suggestions related to this would be appreciated.
The AWS D1.1 is not real clear to me regarding this type of connection. The why I read the code it seems to deal mainly with beam, girder and truss type connections and not column splices.
Thank you in advance for yor comments and suggestions.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 03-05-2002 21:40
AWS D1.1, C2.20 and C2.29 in the Commentary Section address your topic.
The ASME and ABS Codes call for 3:1 minimum tapers.
Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 03-05-2002 23:10
ASME and ABS requirements have nothing to do with this if you are talking about structural steel for buildings or bridges. More likely it is per AISC requirements, but your question is best answered by the design engineer. Paragraph 2.25 in D1.1-2002 addresses "axially aligned primary members of different material thickness or size", refers to Fig. 2.21 and requires transitioning. "Axially aligned" means end splices. Fig. 2.21 allows several methods of chamfering including the ones you mentioned.

Parent - - By jamesbg (*) Date 06-26-2002 03:28
At no point shall the weld thickness be less than the thickness of the smaller member.The engineer always has final say however always hang on to the plans you bid off,because if he wants excessive weld reinforcement later on you might get stuck doing it but you can charge
for it.
Parent - By DGXL (***) Date 06-30-2002 18:43
It should be noted that the AISC Manual (ASD) actually recommends PJP or fillet welding for this condition (ref.: Column Splices: 4-134 and Connections: 5-63). I have inspected many structures which use PJP, fasteners (including splice, cover & shim plates), or fillet welding to connect bearing connections of different thicknesses in lieu of CJP welds.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Column Splices w/ different flg Thicknes

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