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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / wyoming/montana coal mines
- - By loudnproud Date 07-05-2009 15:11
do you foresee steady work available for a welder in that area? I'm graduating hobart soon so I'll need a job in about 2 months and this was one area of interest to me. thanks for any insight.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 07-05-2009 16:46
Peabody is interviewing for "1" welder right now at their NARM Mine north of Douglas, WY. It is a very tight, close knit club to get in if you are looking for a permanent job as the one listed above. Typically, when a job opening arises, thousands of apps are submitted and "reviewed" so that someone's preselected, unqualified "brother-in-law" can be hired. Since you're not from the area, this is GOOD THING! and puts you in another category that is in your favor (for some reason locals are passed over).
There is always maintenance work with Mineserco (division of Bucyrus/Erie) and P&H.
Gillette, WY is the center for Coal Mining in the area, (Powder River Basin) and there are a few small local contractors...Steve Vino, Hladky, L&H...etc. so if a remote search comes up dry, the best way is to blow into town and start knocking on doors.
The Powder River Basin has 200 years worth of coal reserves by 1980's technology and estimates, so there is somewhat "steady" work in the area.
Good luck to you, this is a great place to live, work and play.
Parent - - By loudnproud Date 07-05-2009 23:14
Thank you Superflux, I've come across l&h and peabody but the others are new to my list. I'm all for running out there but I'd hate to waste that kind of time and money if it's considered a dead end by the majority.

I've done some extensive research on the area collecting all the local mines, companies and contractors. I've built up a substantial list of employers to go after if I go scout it out. the online job banks and classifieds have turned up next to nothing. the only thing i can't get ahold of is the local newspapers. the online papers forward you to yahoo hotjobs.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 07-06-2009 04:36

Yes, it's like the shutdowns, outages and pipeline thing, a matter of who you know and being right there. All about "old school" to get a foot in the door.
Most jobs l've found were over a cold beer in the bar.
Last l heard was that some of the Temp agencies get you out on the mine site. Then, word of mouth and networking gets you in the know and can enable you to move into the pre-selected position when they show up on the cattle call.

Sooo......... "if a remote search comes up dry, the best way is to blow into town and start knocking on doors."

Local paper is the "News Record"
Parent - - By loudnproud Date 07-06-2009 22:22
That's pretty much been my plan since the get go, get out there and go after it. It's a place and a profession i have a passion for and It'll haunt me till I go out there and give it a chase. One of the few ads I've found was through a temp agency but I'm not in a position to act on it now. I've got about 2 1/2 months left here in ohio. I keep reading about how production is steadily increasing which has fueled my interest lately. Sincerely thank you for your advice!
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 07-07-2009 04:34 Edited 07-07-2009 05:37
Be glad to have you come out. If you do, feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to help you out.
I too once had the desire to be a that out of my system, anyway, l just prefer the pipetrades.

The elite corps of welders in the open pit coal fields are the Bucyrus Erie Boom Welders. 0.045" SC/GMAW open root and weld out on 20" heavy wall tube for main chords and 10" lacing.

Open pit mines are the home to some of the worlds largest mobile landbased machinery. The size of the Draglines is hard to fathom. Fun stuff to work on.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / wyoming/montana coal mines

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