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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / band of brothers
- - By tigrooter (**) Date 07-14-2009 05:59
Has anyone watched the complete band of brothers show? I got it for my grandfather for christmas last year and he called me friday night and asked if I'd come watch it with him saturday. He didn't know it was as long as it was but we watched the whole show. He never talked about the war much unless one of his army buds would stop to see him and they would talk a little. But watching the show with him was a day I'll never forget. He cried about as much as he talked but I learned some things about him i never thought I'd know. He would be watching the show and in the middle of a fight he would stop it and talk about the war and things that happend while he was there. After each segment he would talk even more about the things he did and had seen happen the people he killed and people he'd seen killed. he has never liked winter and I never did know why till he told me about how the only way he keep from freezing to death in germany was by taking the uniforms off of his dead friends and putting them on under his. Even told me about how at one point they were out of ammo and had to use german arms for a nearly a week. At one point they even went in a barn in france milked all the cows took all the eggs and then killed one of the cows calfs to eat and on top of all that sleep in the barn. How at every town they liberatied the towns people would put on parties but they never stayed long enough to go to many and even told me about the ladies he nailed at the ones he did. Just never know when you'll have a day like that do you.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 07-14-2009 06:29
Hello tigrooter, I haven't seen all of Band of Brothers, however, I do know what you are talking of when you spoke of the things that your grandfather spoke of. My parents grew up as teenagers in an occupied country during World War II. My dad still holds certain things against those occupiers. When my kids were young they would often ask me why grandpa felt as he did. It was very difficult for them to understand as they haven't and hopefully won't have to live through some of the sorts of things that their grandpa and grandma did. Unfortunately, we currently have a generation of upcoming grandpas and grandmas who will likely relay similar stories to their kids in the future as yours did. Unfortunate and sometimes necessary, war and conflict will likely continue to test all of us in various manners and leave lasting impressions on us of both good and bad. I have always known that I would never fully understand the thoughts and feelings of anyone who has experienced things such as my folks or your grandfather, yet, hopefully I have enough of an understanding to appreciate their sacrifices and to learn from and appreciate them as individuals. I would venture to say that the day that you spent with your grandfather has had a substantial impact on you and as tragic as it may have seemed it has also given you a new appreciation for your family's heritage and contribution to the great country that we live in. Thank you for sharing that, reading your story brought me to consider and ponder many of the things that my folks and other family members have shared with me over the years. Best regards, Allan   
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 07-14-2009 12:49
Yes, I have seen all the episodes.  It was a great story and one of my favorites to watch because of how closely they portrayed everything.  Saving Private Ryan was another really good WWII movie.  You should check that out if you haven't already.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 07-14-2009 15:14
write as much down from his stories as you can remember--it will be great reading for generations to come. When my Grandfather died, historians collecting stories about his unit called. Little is known about what really happened with most in WW2. My Grandfather didn't speak of the war, so I had nothing to share. It took me weeks to find this picture online. Grandpa is in the back row on the right side. CW Sellon, RIP.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / band of brothers

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