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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Inspection Trends Welding Symbols
- - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 07-16-2009 04:02 Edited 07-16-2009 04:06
I guess to go with the safety displayed on the cover,( the section on welding symbols contains errors/typos.

Fig 8 and 9 are the same yet have text describing two different conditions. 

Fig 10 refers to a double fillet weld yet shows only one fillet weld. The text of the article for figure 10 refers to a double fillet weld in which dimension information is placed on one side only. Yet the symbol shows a single fillet weld.

Fig 4 has a spelling errer :)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-16-2009 12:37
I spotted Fig. #2 and said to myself, "that isn't right"...there "should be" a fillet weld size shown for it to be correctly illustrated, otherwise you are guessing at how much weld it gets.
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 07-16-2009 18:15
I picked those errors out with three beers in me. I had to check the case to see if I counted wrong. Thanks guys, for letting me know I was seeing properly!
Parent - By thirdeye (***) Date 07-17-2009 23:39

I think they were just trying a lead in to the correct verses incorrect examples later on in the article.  Like Fig 2 compared to Fig 3 & 4.  That said, showing the number of incorrect examples in this particular format was not the best choice. It's actually kind of confusing. There is after all, one correct way to draw a symbol, and there could be a great number of incorrect ways.  It might have been better to have more examples like Fig 5 & Fig 6

Bouncing from customer to customer, I see a lot of errors on shop drawings and on the transferred information marked by the layout guys.  Backwards fillet symbols like the one in Fig 3 are common.  Some shops keep their drawings very simple, with respect to views and symbols.  I even have one customer that rarely uses the other side of the reference line.  The arrow always points to the location of the weld.

I've seen the photocopy funnies of welding symbols for 30 years and they still crack me up, you know the ones I'm talking about.... the fish on the reference line that is titled "fillet weld", or the one with the boat titled "ark weld", or the one with the $ in the tail tiled "field weld".

Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 07-17-2009 21:39
I noticed a couple of mistakes also. Not all that you posted just the ones that jumped out at you.

Kip is a regular on "Inspection Trends" Q and A section. He also was featured in the latest Welding Journals "Tools of the Trade" article, maybe he can have them proof read it a little closer :)
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-18-2009 18:07
I'm sure this was a mistake by the "typesetter" when they were doing the layout for the article. It would have been nice if someone had the opportunity to proof it before going to press.

Then again, look at the bright side. Look how many people saw and read the article!

Best regards - Al
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 07-19-2009 19:26
Came home for the weekend from an out of town inspections job, picked up my copy of 'Inspection Trends' and noticed several mistakes.  Then, I come here and see I am not alone.  Looks like they need to hire us, as their most avid accuracy critics, to be their editors and copy setters.  LOL.. 

Thankfully my work is not as critically evaluated.  Hope none of the people who bring us this great little magazine are offended at our critical examination of their work.  I am always rewarded by the articles, wisdom, experience, and willingness help others that are displayed by all the participants in the articles.  Thank you for some very good points for our consideration and knowledge to add to our mental 'tool boxes'.

And while I am at it, thanks to many of you here on the forum who share so selflessly so others can learn.  Hopefully we also successfully apply that knowledge imparted.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Inspection Trends Welding Symbols

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