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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / US transfer $200 million to Palestinians
- - By Jssec (**) Date 07-23-2009 23:21

Published: July 23, 2009, 22:26

Ramallah: The Palestinian prime minister's office said on Thursday the United States will transfer $200 million to help ease the budget crisis in Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's government. Salam Fayyad's office said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will announce the aid on Friday. The money is part of $900 million in aid pledged by the US in March.
The Palestinians depend on large sums of aid, in part because Israeli restrictions on movement and trade prevent economic recovery. A growing budget deficit is also due to Arab
states failing to deliver on their pledges. Fayyad's government has borrowed from banks to cover his payroll
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-24-2009 00:53
did we put ourselves on the sponsoring terror list?
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-24-2009 02:51

We have long sponsored a terrorist State.  It  is the State of Israel.
Joe Kane
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-24-2009 11:09
Nice one Joe.  Everything is relative to one's perspective.  That's the point that most people, don't really get. 
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-24-2009 11:28
Back in the early 1970's I was an assembly line welder for FMC Ordinance Division building army tanks.  Our normal run was 1 for Iran, 1 for Iraq, 1 for Germany and a few for the good old USA....
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-27-2009 21:32
Israel? For shooting back? Bulldozing homes of terrorists?  I think  I dont get the problem.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-27-2009 22:48

I guess you need to go look back into the history booksa little bit further in order to understand why Joe is correct. No Offense ;)
In fact, we were once labeled as terrorists also by the British once upon a time. ;)

Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-28-2009 00:33
I know the PLO is a scummy murderous clan. I always wondered why we would allow them to open a coulselet in DC. Are all Israel people terrorists? Or just the Palistinians?  Never heard of a terrorist calling to remove women and children from impending death and mayhem like the Israelians have done.

  The only thing that keeps a true peace agreement from happening is that all arab states refuse to acknolge that Israel has the right to exist.

  Did we go to Great Britain and do some suicide bombings?  Did we shoot missiles at them for years?  Did the British ever do it to us?

Guess its all in what you want to believe?

Uphill not downwind.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-28-2009 01:52
No, it's just another example of ignorance being perpetrated by hatred at it worst!!!

Back in the days of our war of independence, there were no suicide bombings back then... However, we did use tactics as did the British against the Colonials that were considered in those times as guerrilla tactics, and barbaric acts of terror... Nowadays the acts of terror have tended to be more brutal, and horrific than the ones that were considered once acts of terror. Heck, they didn't even have what we call missiles today!!! The French had the audacity to support the Colonials, you know -the first American Citizens who were considered terrorists by the British back then

Any country that was once an oppressed people that one way or another won their independence were once considered by their adversaries terrorists, and some have had the audacity to to call their next adversaries, or enemies terrorists forgetting that they were once considered the same yet, they considered themselves "Freedom Fighters."

I'll give you another example of what the Israelies are doing as we speak that was once done to them... Back in the days of World war II, the Germans surrounded the Warsaw Ghettos with walls so that the Polish Jews could not leave that part of the city and nowadays, they're doing the same exact thing to the Palestinians so, once the terrorists, are now creating more terrorists against themselves through another form of terror...

Btw, if you ever read the book 'Exodus" or even if you saw the movie, you would then know that the British had control of Palestine after WWII, and the Jewish State
of Israel was created through acts of what was back then considered terrorism, and yet they also called themselves "Freedom Fighters" and we as a nation supported them then just as we do now! Go figure - Huh??? Don't get me wrong but, go visit your local library or go online if you wish because, it's all a part of history - not mythology which I'm afraid is sometimes being taught in some schools of thought these days. ;( ;( ;(

The Native American Peoples (They're NOT from INDIA!!!) were also considered to be terrorists even though they were fighting to protect, and keep their own lands... I mean, they were here way before the European settlers arrived ,and yet they were called savages, terrorists??? I wonder how one would react if the same were done to them???
Yeah... I thought so!!! Throughout history, groups of peoples that were once considered terrorists either were eliminated, or won their freedoms only to find themselves later in situations where acts of terrorism were, or are being committed on them... It's a vicious cycle sometimes - sadly to say. :( :( :(

Either way, one has to look at the situations from more than one perspective in order to understand what Joe and myself are attempting to point out to the curious, and somewhat ill informed - No Offense Uphill. :) :) :)

Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-28-2009 02:30
No offense taken. If I remember Exodus was a Novel?  Briton and the winners of WW11 including the US supported the creation of Israel. There is freedom of religion in Israel and there are Arab members in their parliment.
Indians had a good thing going untill Europeans came except for the land wars and the hatred of other Tribes.  As long as there are two people alive there will be conflicts. The touchy feely mentality has run its life cycle.

The walls were not used for the same end. Protection isnt the same as containment for slaughter. Israel doesnt have gas chambers or actively seeking to wipe out Palistinians. Dont think Jews were shooting missles at the German men, women and children.  There is a history not in books, after all we dont want get all of the facts. Just the ones we believe in.

The problems of the world wont be solved by a one world currency or a money zar.  We all have to give in some, not lower ouselves to another lifestyle to feel good about our lives.

We gave money to Syria, Packastan no one cares about that. There are bigger problems to concern ourselves over. Feeding the family and making the house payment come to mind.

Have a good one

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-28-2009 04:02 Edited 07-28-2009 04:05
Well, the point I was attempting to make is a futile one for your sake mainly because of your unwaivering belief that truth in history is not written in books, and that is where I disagree... I also disagree to call an entire group of peoples whether or not they are Palestinian or Israeli, British or American, Native Americans or Europeans, Germans or Polish Jews, or whatever they may be, stereotyped as terrorists which is what was posted originally here. Nothing touchy or feely about it - Just the facts!

If you're telling me that the slaughter of many (Approx. 800) innocent people in the refugee camps of Chatilla, and Sabra in southern Beirut by the Israelis wasn't an act of terror??? Now don't get me wrong because I'm not in any way condoning the Palestinian Liberation Organization for any of their horrible acts either but, to say that cordoning off an entire group of people for protection by prohibiting them from freedom of movement, opportunities to better themselves elsewhere besides where they are forced to live which is constantly being systematically destroyed by the Israelis, where the youth of Palestine live with no hope of better days in their future by being herded like animals that this doesn't breed discontent, anger, hatred towards their oppressors, is okay to do??? well then I've got a bridge to sell you and it isn't in Brooklyn... It is what it is!!!

Nobody is innocent including ourselves so, if you're going to compare the rockets that the Hezbollah fire into Israel as doing the same or equivalent damage that the Israelis do to the Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank with weapons also from our own government besides their own then I've got another bridge to sell you, and this one isn't in Brooklyn either! Don't get me wrong, there are some terrorists amongst the Palestinian people but then again, if you were subjected to such abuse as is done to them by the Israelis, please don't tell me that you wouldn't become hateful towards your oppressors because. I believe that anyone that believes in Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness would tend to rebel, and fight for their own freedom.

There are many amongst the Israeli people themselves who disagree with their own government's actions against the Palestinians but as is always the case, a few powerful folks in the minority that's common in all countries, are the ones calling the shots based on their own paranoia of being overrun by the ones they oppress... And this is how they insure their own existence - sadly to say!!!
In any event I enjoyed this discussion with you Uphill. :) :) :)

Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-28-2009 11:33
I agree no-one is free from a murderous history. All religions are guilty of something Terrorist related. The original post was aimed at the stupidity in giving money to fix a terrorist based government?  Lets give everyone money to further their agenda. As far as agreement with government policies that would be a long post in itself.

The middle east will always be at the center of terrorist activity as you say after so many years of abuse by their own people who could blame them for hatred and mistrust. Its like Northern Ireland, generations of hatred. There will never be a true peace in the region. Too much conflicting religion.

The direction a post takes always leans towards religion or politics. I would not be shocked if the Native Americans are tourists to America also, just older visitors.

Your last point sure rings true here in America now. Who can agree with the give terrorists a bankroll.

Thank You
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-29-2009 09:31
when germany screamed ...judah
is the same as america screaming....terrorist
both are misdirection of popular discontent and the more either side buys into the deception the more both sides will behave in a way that has been scripted for them.
henry's points are well founded and are about inclusivity, accountability and tolerance of the truth.
the ultra right wing fundamental "christian" foreign policy of the states has killed more people than any group of "terrorists", american people are good people being duped by some very nefarious leaders.
in my opinion
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-29-2009 12:42
President Obama is certainly no Right Wing, Fundy Christian in word or deed.

Yet now that he is the one making Presidential decisions and has full control of the power the U.S. projects overseas, and at home, we see him either adopting the stratagies President Bush used or simply keeping the status quo.

Fresh approach to preventing terror attacks is expected to rely on refining and expanding Bush-era initiatives
(the link is Fox.. The article is Wall Street Journal)

Change we can believe in.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 07-30-2009 09:52
bush and obama have the same masters and are just different salesmen of the same life/death insurance plan. in my opinion.
confucius's curse may you live in interesting times seems more and more relevant.

havent heard much about the homeland security and fema "exercises" going on right now.
xe and the national guard as well as all levels of govt are playing along.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 07-30-2009 03:26
you're sounding too much like Rosie O'Donnell.
Do you think Bush and the international coalition (including Canada and thanks to Canada) invaded Iraq and Afghanistan to convert the Muslims to Christianity? No, they didn't.
If by "Christian" you mean non-Muslim, non Hindu then OK, but if you mean Billy Graham like Christianity then you are way off base.

I've heard it said that (when weighing the damaging impact of Christianity) the worst thing Christian influence has inflicted on America is that in some counties you have to wait until after noon to buy your beer :)

But what do I know, I'm just a duped ultra right wing fundamental Christian.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-30-2009 09:42 Edited 07-30-2009 09:59
we are talking two different things here.
there has to be some objective distance for there not to be a forest for the trees effect.
i dont want to start the whole.
the invasion of iraq and afghanistan controversy, suffice is to say that there is indoctrination on all sides and as henry was trying to point out that the truth is very much different than the media drum beat.
again religions dont kill people, people kill people.
what i think is important is that the three major religions are abrahamic in their origin and have WAY more similarities than differences. also that the only way that war can find support is for there to be a culture of us vs. them. i find that a we perspective has the greatest possibility for a peaceful positive solution to the unrest in the world.
(now i sound like a miss america contestant)
i find the laws that are enacted and presidential executive orders that are constantly being enacted are more and more fascist than we could possibly imagine.
if you get a chance look into the laws that were passed in the reichstag before it was false flag destroyed... some shocking similarities to the laws  and executive orders i previously mentioned.
i hope i am wrong and just being paranoid but all the indicators point to a chip, a one world govt, one world currency, one world army and the us vs them will be the haves and the havenots and they want to reduce the havenots to less than 200 million.
we are already slaves its just how far and how fast are they going to carry serfdom.
at the risk of getting mugged here i find rosie odonnel to be a well read and very informed on what is really happening and she has a clear view of whats going wrong.
i believe in the constitution and the declaration of independence and the bill of rights and their equal measure for all humans in the world.
edit *just read the headline of the link and i couldnt agree more*
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 07-30-2009 16:56
I always enjoy your post as you think outside the box. I do agree with your one world "paranoia" I believe that the chip, currency, army and government will be forced on the world and it will be thought of as a great thing. And for awhile it will be. But the dissenters will not be tolerated. Then it will unravel and chaos will erupt. Then hell on earth.

The writing is on the wall. Also in the Bible. I think the Koran has a version of this as well but I have never read it. With the recent world events it is not as wacky as it may have sounded say...10 years ago.

Maybe they won't catch the rosie o. comment :)
Gotta go. Work awaits.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-28-2009 18:32
are all poles jews? LOL
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-28-2009 12:20 Edited 07-28-2009 14:54
"Israel doesnt have gas chambers or actively seeking to wipe out Palistinians"

They don't have gas chambers, but if they thought they could get away with it, there is not doubt in my mind they would wipe out the palistinians.

History is a touchy subject to some. Many only believe in the history books. There is always a history unwritten, to what degree and what is omitted
is a subject for debate. In all cases, official history is written by the victors.

More to the point with Israel, if any other nation had performed the acts they have, they'd be on the terrorist watch list. This is part of the problem with the U.S. approach to the middle east in my eyes. We are seen as hypocrites because we blast countries like Syria for being a terrorist nation, but say nothing when Israel bombs the piss out of them, or palistinian people. Not only do we say nothing, we help them.

Iran was the worst case of this. I think a lot of people forget where the Iranian government got their weapons from to begin with. For that matter the same applies to Iraq and Afganistan.

You are effectively witnessing history being rewritten before your eyes when you consider those three countries. The truth to those perpetuating that scam is of no consequence to them.

As for Tsalagi Native Americans, My grandfather and grandmother on one side was full blood, on the other side was German and Scott.
It made for a bad mix as a child. I caught the brunt of racism on both sides of the family.
I also learned a lot from both sides. The U.S. Government tried their level best to wipe out the entire race of Tsalagi in my opinion. What they couldn't kill they tried to breed and indoctrinate out.

The same methods were used by the spanish in the phillipine Islands. Bautista is not an asian surname, yet an inoridinate amount of them are carrying spanish last names.

All in all, there isn't a government in the world that has been here longer than 10 years that hasn't performed acts that would be classified as terroristic in nature.
In a world gone mad with political correctness, it's time to put aside the BS and see it for what it really is.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 07-28-2009 14:16
The USA might be better off to stay out of the banking biz, not too good at buying favors over history. Maybe its time for a major swing to seclusionism.  We dont need anything from overseas anyway.  We have plenty of problems here at home.

Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-28-2009 14:11
What a shock= another hate America site.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-28-2009 14:26
Does the truth hurt, or what?  I posted the link because it states the terroristic history of some of Israel's "heros".  Its not my fault that Israel is backed by the US.  This arrangement came around long before I did.  I guess terrorism is OK as long as its backed by Washington?

The Contras in Nicaragua, Luis Posada Corilles that's OK right?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-28-2009 15:29
Welcome back Bryon  :)

Ya know..  Your forigen policy leanings may be closer to Pat Buchanan than you think  :)

Neither of you would be in favor of..................
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-28-2009 18:39
I don't listen to Pat so I don't know how close we are.  But God I hope not.  :-)
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-28-2009 16:54
No hurt here, I like Sci-Fi
How is Fla?
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-28-2009 18:40
Florida is Florida.  Its hotter than hell with high humidity and rains at least an hour everyday.  It great!
Parent - By 52757 (**) Date 07-29-2009 17:45
I am sure some of the people out there remember the assualt on the Liberty? I once had two coworkers that were stationed on that ship.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / US transfer $200 million to Palestinians

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