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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Fallen Marine comes home
- - By rick harnish (***) Date 07-26-2009 16:30
Sorry Ross, I gotta tell my friends about this experience.
Lance Cpl. Brandon T. Lara from New Braunfels was killed last weekend in an ambush in Anbar. He arrived at Randolph Air Force base around 10 this morning, to be taken North to his home town.
Here is the good part. The streets were absolutely LINED with people showing their respects. Two or three miles of people on FM 78 to the intersection of FM 3009. I couldnt tell what was around the corner, but I can almost promise it was more of the same. US flags every where, hats off, hands over hearts, like this MATTERED!! His friends and family were mouthing the words "Thank you" as the rolled by. They certainly appreciated it.
Im proud of my town, and hope this happens EVERYWHERE!!!!!
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 07-27-2009 16:46
20 years old, what a shame. 

That's right up the road from me, Rick.
Parent - - By preston davis (**) Date 07-27-2009 17:32
that the way a soldier should be brought home, wether it be laid to rest or home on leave, i believe all our boys ang girls deserve home coming like that. it does my heart good to see there are still places around that care.
  Semper Fi
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 07-27-2009 20:44
Yessir, Preston.
Also had the chance last year to be in Midway airport in Chicago when a group came home from Iraq. They announced the gate, a HUGE group gathered up, and we exploded with applause as the came in! I bet we cheered for 15 minutes as they got with the people they loved. Exceptional memory!!
Bozaktwo1, where is home?
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-28-2009 11:11
My brother-in-law came home from Iraq after the initial invasion and got a small parade in his "home town".  I say "home town" because while he was stationed in Okinawa my Mother-in-law moved to a village in Nebraska from Kansas City.   The bro-in-law had lived with them prior to joining the Corps.  So when he got out he went to stay with the in laws.  They had lived there about 2 years before he got out.  So when the powers that be in that village heard about him coming "home", they got all excited and had a parade and put his story in the weekly paper.

Now, a story from Midway airport:
I flew into midway in June 1993.  I was outside the terminal waiting for the shuttle to my hotel smoking a cigarette.  I was nearly done with it and threw it down.  A homeless dude happened upon the nearly extinguished butt and picked it up and took the last pull off of it.  That's a nasty bassturd!!!
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 07-28-2009 16:53
Just to the west of Converse, in Ventura 1, off 78 at Walzem.
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 07-28-2009 20:58
Good stuff Bryon.
And yes, Midway can be strange. The neighborhood surrounding it, much stranger! ( rented a car once, long story.)
Curt, we are neighbors! Grilled steaks and beer?
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 07-28-2009 21:32
WHOA! Slight under estimation on my part. The line of people didnt simply turn up 3009, it rounded the corner and went all the way up IH35 to New Braunfels!! Just read in todays paper, the crowd estimate was in the tens of thousands!!
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 07-29-2009 00:47
That's more than the Million Mom March!!!

Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 07-29-2009 17:03
Yessir, sometime when my schedule slows up a little bit, I think. :)
Parent - - By Qcman099 Date 07-28-2009 21:36 Edited 07-28-2009 21:43
I follow alot of Texas music or Red Dirt singers on different forums and sites I seen where Wade Bowen posted a comment that people were lined up for a long ways to pay their respects in NB which I believe anyone who has the chance should do. It made me think of a movie I watched only a couple of months ago called "Taking Chance". It's based on a true story about a soldier who is killed overseas and is being brought home. Awesome movie.
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 07-29-2009 01:32
I will be looking that up tomorrow. Thank you!
Glad to hear they were lined up in New Braunfels. I was at the beginning right next to the base and knew nothing of it.
I am proud of my community!!!!!!
Parent - By Brian T. Beard (**) Date 07-29-2009 07:24
Rick, I served in the Corps back in the late 80's early 90's and all I can say is "SEMPER FI"
Parent - - By Jriley1972 (*) Date 07-29-2009 15:27
As a retired Master Sergeant and a father of a Marine currently in the Iraq;  I want to thank you guys for any and all respect any of you have ever shown towards my fellow comrades and brother-in-arms.  It's almost been a year now since I had the opportunity to retire form the Army. My second oldest son joined the Marines 2 years ago and is now serving his second tour in a combat zone.  He has Afghanistan already under his belt.  I believe he joined the Marines to spite me but I'm still very proud of him.  His mother and I have always made sure that he had a grand welcome home when he has had the chance to make it home on leave with or not he is coming home from his duty station or from combat.  I don't know exactly what it was like for Vietnam Vets to be shamed when they came home; unfortunately that was an era before mine.  I do know after being over in Dessert Storm I had a young lady through a hot dog at me once, said a couple of choice words to me....I promptly said "You are welcome."  She was a bit dumb founded and flipped me off and walked away.  I won't stand for that for my son or any other soldier and I am eternally grateful each time I see other fellow Americans showing the respect a soldier deserves after he/she has been serving their country.  So my hats are off to all of you who have taking the time to say thank you to a fellow soldier.  Please keep it up.


John Riley
Parent - By rick harnish (***) Date 07-29-2009 21:05
My 13 and 7 year olds are both leaning towards joining, the 13 year old is thinking career.
They have grown up respecting anyone serving or who has. I wouldnt have it otherwise.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Fallen Marine comes home

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