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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Longitudinal weld overlay of a can section
- - By Eutectic (**) Date 07-28-2009 13:31
Does anyone have experience in the Longitudinal weld overlay of a can section:

-Inconel 625 to CS
-Can WT 16mm
-Can Dia 2850mm

I am looking for recommendations/restrictions on the welding process with regards to:
-distortion control
-testing required
-limitations of circumferential vs. longitudinal etc
-anything else

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-28-2009 21:17
You're going to want to minimize dilution and limit to one pass if possible depending upon the final chemistry required.
You will find with circumferential that the shrinkage will be reduced and more uniform.
Longitudinal overlay has a tendency to shrink more in the middle of the pipe/tube, flare at the ends, and cause ripples depending on substrate thickness (>1/2" should not be noticable).
Longitudinal is easier to visually reference the bead indexing.

If available pulse GMAW is excellent. SAW is more common (better perhaps for something as big as what you have) but of course creates more heat, not to mention that its dilution is higher as well. You can get 6% to 10% without much effort with pulse GMAW. Thats tough with SAW.

Make sure the beads transition as flat as possible. Whether abrasion or corrosion this is important.
Parent - By Eutectic (**) Date 08-03-2009 11:51
Much appreciated, will contact you if I have more specific issues to address.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Longitudinal weld overlay of a can section

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