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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bass Fishing Anyone?
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-30-2009 04:43 Edited 07-30-2009 04:55
Here We Go  Bass Fishing Enthusiasts!!!

From: ThePittsburghChannel.Com
updated 8:18 p.m. ET, Wed., July 29, 2009


"Super Bowl" Of Bass Fishing Kicks Off In Pittsburgh This Week
FLW Outdoors Forest Wood Cup Starts Thursday:

The city of Pittsburgh has seen its sports teams raise the Lombardi Trophy and Stanley Cup in 2009, but this week it will play host to the "Super Bowl" of bass fishing.
On Thursday, 77 of the best anglers in the world will converge upon the Steel City for a chance to raise the and reel in a big payday.

"It's like the Super Bowl of bass fishing. The first place guy has the opportunity to win $1 million," said fisherman Ish Monroe. The prize will go to the fisherman who nets the biggest fish. It marks the first time the competition is being held in Pittsburgh.

"It's a big deal -- $1 million for the first place winner, and with all that money on the line, everybody's going to be working really hard to win this one," said fisherman Dave Wolak.
Most fishermen describe Pittsburgh's waters as some of the toughest they'll ever fish in. "It's definitely going to be a challenging event. There's a lot of small fish in here and it's tough to get a fish that exceeds the legal size limit of 12 inches," said Wolak. While the waters may be rough, the fishermen say they love competing in Pittsburgh because of the people. "It's a good place to hold an event overall, just from the fan base and all the people that want to come out and watch it," said Monroe.

But it's clear those involved have their sights set on one thing -- taking home the $1 million prize. "There are other places that pay, but you're fishing for the million dollars. It's beans after that," said Wolak. Channel 4 Action News anchor Kelly Frey found the city stands to reel in even more. For the first time, the championship is taking place on Pittsburgh's rivers, thanks to the success of the "Bassmaster Classic" in 2005.

Never had a fishing tournament seen such a fan turnout in such a beautiful urban setting with such challenging terrain, Frey reported. So Forest Cup organizers decided they also wanted to cash in. "The FLW people came and said, 'We want it! We want what they got,'" said organizer Ken Komoroski. Komoroski said not only will Pittsburgh shine in the national spotlight and attract more than 60,000 fans, the city stands to reel in tens of millions of dollars.

"This will bring some $40 million to $50 million to the region. This is an enormous economic impact to the region. In fact, until the G-20 Summit was announced, this was by far the biggest event the "Visit Pittsburgh" had planned for the city of Pittsburgh," Komoroski said.

Along with the main event, FLW will also host three days of events at David L. Lawrence convention center, including a large outdoor trade show.
Admission is free to the show and Pittsburghers can also participate in fantasy fishing online. Correctly selecting who will win the championship will net the winner $1 million, without him or her ever having to hit the water.

For more information about the Forrest Wood Cup Championship, visit:

This will be a fun event!!!  Pssst..... I know where "Bubba" is and I'm not telling unless somebody wants to compensate me for at least 20% of their winnings which I think is fair!!!
That should help pay for the Co-payments the pharmacy will be "reelin" in from me in order to pay for the Chemotherapy that I'll be on starting next week. :) :) :)

I already got a few bites "from" some of the competitors interested in "Bubba's" whereabouts, and if I sleect the correct winner in the "Fantasy Fishing online competition. I'll be able to concentrate on Kickin the Big "C's" buttocks once again so, hopefully I'll have a few less debts to worry about health wise but if not, I can always try getting help from some of the nonprofits out there that help folks like myself... We'll see. ;) In any event, It'll be a fun time in the "Burgh" again!!! :) :) :)

Maybe when they get rid of the current management, the "Jolly Roger" will once again outshine them all in this town, and then not only will me & my fellow sports fan & welder from the North West part of PA be rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers & Penguins... We'll also be proud to say once again: "Go Pirates!!!" ;) ;) ;)

Parent - By uphill (***) Date 07-30-2009 10:10
Just was up in Walker Mn and saw the walleye tour. It looks like a Nascar event with all of the support trucks and mfg. Fishing for money and getting paid by your sponsers, what a life.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-30-2009 12:49
I Win!
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-30-2009 12:51
You guys don't know how long I've been waiting for somebody to mention Bass fishing on the OTBAG !

Summer school ends tomorrow and by sundown I'll have a line in the water right exactly where I caught that dark looking smallie on the bottom pic.

Lets see some Fish!
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-30-2009 12:52
LOL...yeah, I'm ready to see some of those pics too.....I haven't even taken time to put my canoe in the water this year or purchase my fishing permit...uggh.
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 07-30-2009 15:59

trying to get this picture to post.

Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 07-30-2009 15:59 Edited 07-30-2009 16:15
still working on it. Here it is. It was either him or me!!!!
Attachment: ATT220221.JPG (0B)
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-30-2009 16:09
I got 2nd
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 07-30-2009 16:22
Where's all the ice?? I know you have some pictures of a big ol norhtern coming up out of the ice. lol
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 08-02-2009 12:01
Here is a photo of St Croix river on the Minnesota and Wisconson border from Friday last. Only caught a couple of little Walleye's but the smallies were breaking water all over for some new hatch. They will be getting on the hook soon though.
Parent - - By rfieldbuilds (**) Date 08-04-2009 02:42
Ok, Not really me. My brother caught this sturgeon on the Lower Snake River in Idaho.
Attachment: KensSturgeon.jpg (0B)
Parent - By rfieldbuilds (**) Date 08-04-2009 02:46
This is me. Sonoma Coast. Red Abalone.
Attachment: ab.BMP (900k)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-04-2009 20:37
Well guys, the sad, sad truth of the matter is that I have not been fishing lately so this is as close as I can come. :-)

Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 08-04-2009 22:30
Corpus, correct?
Alas! I , too, have not fished. Broken steering cable in the boat with more pressing matters to deal with.
No wonder I am not dealing well with about anything right now.
Dove season is coming, though!!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-04-2009 23:10
Nope this is at Bass Pro in Grapevine TX.

Parent - By rick harnish (***) Date 08-05-2009 00:54
Got one here. Guess I outta visit. Like you said, its as close as Im gonna come for a bit.
All though, I believe Im gonna get a full weekend off before long. Might drive down and chase tails in waders! Prefer the boat, but something has to happen!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bass Fishing Anyone?

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