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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / New jets for Congress
- - By 522029 (***) Date 08-06-2009 11:26
Just heard on the news that Congress has purchased three new jets for their personal travel.  Guess the economic crisis is over.  Oh yeah, they only spent 200 million for these planes.

Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 08-06-2009 15:03
Why not they are in the auto business now you know ?  Wait till they get in the oil business and see what they buy.
Parent - - By drewp29 (**) Date 08-06-2009 15:13
This is what I'd like to see happen with both the Congress and the Senate:

On average, the Senate is in session for 140 days a year, often times members don't show up and either don't vote or cast absentee votes.

On average, Congress is in session 130 days a year, often times members don't show up and either don't vote or cast absentee votes.

So, why are we paying these people again? Much less buying multimillion dollar jets to fly them around for personal reasons? They could all work part to full-time jobs in addition to being in the Senate or Congress and we could save a boat load of cash each year by cutting their pay to reflect the amount of days they ACTUALLY work. If they don't show up, they don't get paid for that day plain and simple.

Or, we could make them work like it is a real job, and require them to show up or they get fired. Give them 2-3 weeks vacation every year, remove their expense accounts, their free jet rides, and their freedom from arrest. Then we'll see who really wants to be in government. My guess is the people who truly care about this country would stick around and work for a change, and the others, well good riddance.

Some people will claim that in the off-time senators and congressmen (and women) are going around promoting policy change and making appearances at functions, and blah blah blah . . . that's NOT what we pay them to do. If we need to hire some people to go around and represent the government, so be it, but the reason we have the Senate and Congress are to establish policy for the good of the people. The reason we have so many reps is because one person's idea of 'good for the people' may not be the same as another, thus we need the conflicting viewpoints to establish an overall picture of what exactly for 'the good of the people' means.

One of the main problems I have with government representatives is that they are all rich people, and quite frankly rich people tend to lose touch with reality. They will claim to be on the side of the common man, but they have no idea what its like to be the common man.

Alright, my rant is over for now, thanks for letting me vent a little.

Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 08-06-2009 16:20
good vent!!
Parent - By drewp29 (**) Date 08-06-2009 17:28
LOL - thanks!
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 08-06-2009 18:30
Yeah fly a few congressmen and senators down to south Texas, put a ball and chain on them making them finish building that border wall :)  Then send them up this way I got some weeds for them hoe and mow too :)  Earn their keep for a change ! 
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 08-08-2009 15:49
The news reported that the number was $500 million allocated for travel so they must have needed some fuel also.  Same jerk that was mocking the auto maker big wigs for private jet use was the one who signed for the spending. Go figure.

Damn there is a lot of waste in the "O"ld g"O"verment aint there?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-08-2009 16:52
Sounds like the government is saying to all of us whom they just so happen to work for: "Do what I say, but NOT what I do!!!"
What a bunch of spineless, omnipotent, double talking, hypocrites our so-called representatives in government really are these days as well as in the past also!!!

Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 08-08-2009 22:01
The biggest problem is with the name recognition factor in the voting booth, most of these thieves have been in office a long time.  The media keeps and puts into office who ever has the most butter for the bread.
I hope to believe that this whole "snitch mentality" and all of this overspending will come to a halt in 2010 or before. All it will take is for the scum to think they will be replaced next election. Why read a 1300 page bill if you cant understand it anyway, just vote. The same clowns were no doubt signers for the jets also.

Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 08-09-2009 00:34
they need those jets they have reeal busines to tend to like........
Destroying life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all future generations.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-09-2009 05:49
Will they be able to get enough Carbon Credits to fly them? Or will they be exempt?
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / New jets for Congress

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