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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / how can i sub-contract cwi services?
- - By cmg (*) Date 04-03-2002 02:49
I was told that i can do visual inspection as a sub- contractor but i'm not sure how to get started.I'm a welder of 15 years but only a one year cwi.Instead of going into the inspection field i took a promotion my company offered that made me shop foreman.(lucky me).The problem is i have little exp in the paperwork end.any advice is helpful,thank's in advance
Parent - By bmaas1 (***) Date 05-25-2002 13:52
I would be interested in knowing as well.

Brian Maas
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 05-25-2002 22:36
The paperwork end can vary from contract to contract. One of the key "skills" in the paperwork area in my opinion is having the ability to read and understand the various contract requirements.

Welder Qualifications, WPS's PQR's and NDE reports and many other documents may be required to be reviewed and sometimes prepared. A good understanding of the applicable code can give you the information you need. But it takes time. I often find myself looking at papers I revieewed or prepared years ago and find flaws.

If the contract work is just inspection of completed items, find out what the customer wants for reports and try to comply. Good recordkeeping regardless of the format is essential.

I've gotta go now. I'll provide more of my "opinion" later. Feel free to ask specifiics and I can tell you what I have done. I can't tell you the right or wrong way.

Have a pleasant day

G Austin
Iuka Miss
Parent - - By bmaas1 (***) Date 05-26-2002 15:03
I work for a company that manufactures rotating equipment(industrial fans and rotors, D14.6).
I would like to know how to gain contacts for sub-contract inspection work in construction or manufacturing. I am a CWI with MT and PT levl II.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
You can email with a response.

Thanks Brian Maas
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 05-26-2002 17:24
AL li can siggest is keep at it.

That's almost where I started working in Birmingam. What is the current year of D14.6? We made industrial fans and blowers and other APC equipment.

Have a good day

Gerald Austin
Parent - By bmaas1 (***) Date 05-28-2002 10:52

Brian Maas
Parent - - By cmg (*) Date 05-29-2002 00:38
Thanks pipewelder that is helpful.i am familiar w/ wps's&pqr's and i do visual inspections now for my employer.w/ the buisness climate the way it is now you never know if the well will run dry.i guess what i was really looking for is a "how to"if you know what i do i solicite?what do i offer w/ my exp?or will the demand be great enough i wont have any problems as long as i'm a good cwi?uncharted waters are always a little scary all help is helpful. thanks for the response your advice was helpful while i was preparing for the cwi exam so i trust your opinion.
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 05-30-2002 02:33
The only advice I can give regarding contacts is try to deal with everyone in a consistant and professional manner.

Know what you Know and Know what you don't know.

I have fallen into contract work by being in the right place at the right time and by having experience in the area that was needed.

I haven't had a contract as a CWI but as a contracted quality control inspector I've been fortunate this past year. There are many resources on the internet.

Try TMP.worldwide, SQA services, I'm sure there are many others.

Have a good day

G Austin
Parent - By cmg (*) Date 05-30-2002 02:39
thank you again,i was just at your websight when you responded you have been very helpful.i will keep my eyes open and stay prepared. i hope i can pick your brain again if needed ?again i thank you.....cmg
Parent - By bmaas1 (***) Date 05-30-2002 15:28
Thank you,

You information has been very useful.

Thanks again,

Brian Maas
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / how can i sub-contract cwi services?

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