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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Cows, The Constitution, The Ten Commandments--something to t
- - By TimGary (****) Date 09-03-2009 17:58
Think about this:


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing

that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track

a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right

to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington ?

And, they tracked her calves to their stalls.  But they are

unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around

our country.  Maybe we should give each of them a cow...


They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for

Iraq ... Why don't we just give them ours?  It was

written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for

over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore...


The real reason that we can't have the Ten

Commandments posted in a courthouse or Congress is this --

you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' 'Thou

Shalt Not Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall Not

Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and

politicians ..... it creates a hostile work environment.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-03-2009 20:03
It’s a shame!
This Country has potential to do anything its people set mind to, but our leaders care more about dividing us with issues the they shouldn’t even be involved in.
So much waste  lying and stealing.

Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 09-04-2009 04:23
It is a complete shame at that and it is not much different on this side of the border as well. I was thinking  just the other day that if we hung the odd politician maybe the rest would be a little more honest and the odd banker while we're at it, being that thats who really runs our countries any way and the thought that your vote really makes a difference is just that a thought.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-04-2009 12:36
WE shoould have let the banks fail Get the power and money away from thse people.
We could have let them destroy themselves
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-04-2009 15:30
Now Mike settle down you're starting to sound like a Socialist.  Welcome aboard!
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-04-2009 23:01
what? capitalists would let the inept fail (thats how it works) , they were inept we should have let them go under.
did any1 get bailout for their stokes they lost? nope just the morons running the bank , so they all should’ve went bankrupt (end of greed) we the people learn a lesson ( watch your money), eat pigeons, rabbits, and squirrels for 7 or 8 years and rebuild real prosperity for the next generation.
NO we Selfishly put the children in debit.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-05-2009 00:11
One thing that people really need to realize is this:  America is done!  There's no more glory and all that other patriotic BS.  Everything is changed and every party, person and entity is looking to stay afloat with the old mindset.  That is what has gotten us to this dark hour in American history.  And until radical change comes to fruition, then we, as a nation won't come back from the brink.

We are nothing but consumers and not producers.  With the means of production in the hands of Capitalists then more jobs will be sent overseas to protect the profits of the already rich, while the rest of us (both Dems and Repubs) sit back and are no longer able to consume because we are all out of jobs.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-05-2009 00:43 Edited 09-05-2009 00:46
Now, Now Bryon!!! being OBTUSE IS NOT A VIRTUE!!! CHAVEZ, FIDEL and his brother are looking for what they call "schmucks" or "Come Mierda's" like yourself, and guess what???? The travel restrictions have been lifted so, If you hate this country so much??? Then LEAVE!!! THEY'LL BE MORE THAN WELCOMING TO SOMEONE LIKE YOURSELF!!! ;) ;) ;)

What's the matter Bryon??? Starting to hate the fact that you've got to go back to work and EARN a LIVING???


Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-05-2009 02:48
Oh, Henry, there is nothing like working for a living.  The thing is I don't hate this country, I love this country, maybe not the country the way it is, but I can see what this country could be, if some would let what NEEDS to take place, take place.  Its not the good old 1950's again, the inevitible needs to happen to get this country from the grips of the Capitalist tyrants.  Once that happens then we will all be better off.  But with the discension that takes place every 4 years, nothing will happen.

And by the by, I would love to visit Cuba.  I would like to hang out with Fidel drinking Mojitos by the beach.  That would me much more pleasant than drinking Coors light with GW Bush in his F'ing ranch in Texas.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-05-2009 05:11
Yes Bryon, the Uninted States could be as prosperous as all the other communist countries, and Our standard of living could match  Theirs.

Why don't You move to Cuba? With Your skills You would get about $20/month [equivelent] there, but You wouldn't qualify for a car. You might get an apartment to Yourself, or at least a room in one. They do have free medical & dental, but they don't have novacaine, it is good to have brought some of Your own.

You really should spend enough time in the communist country of Your choice so that You can understand the reality of how that type of Govt. works, rather than how a few people THOUGHT it was going to work.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-05-2009 05:59
Hey Bryon!

Hate to burst your bubble there Bryon but, if you would somehow (If hell freezes over?) get the chance to even persuade Fidel to have a mojito with you, he'd probably get so sick of the conversing with you that he would more than likely PUKE all of his GUTS out all over you, and CROAK right in your lap!!!

The only consolation ironically would be that you of all people forced the CIA to become obligated in awarding you their highest honor because, you were the one who finally killed;

But then again, If he lives, then you DIE!!! The next day - that is!!! :) :) :)

Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-05-2009 13:04 Edited 09-05-2009 13:07
I think we would get along well.  That is the problem with America, its on such a high-horse that they can't see eye to eye with anyone else.  Its a generational hatred that is showed towards Cuba and no one has a clue why they hate them, they just do.  And its not only with Cuba but with all other countries that are not the US.  Until thinking changes then nothing else will either.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-05-2009 16:18 Edited 09-05-2009 22:55
"That is the problem with America, its on such a high-horse that they can't see eye to eye with anyone else.  Its a generational hatred that is showed towards Cuba and no one has a clue why they hate them, they just do.  And its not only with Cuba but with all other countries that are not the US."

When the government decides you no longer have the right to own anything outright anymore...
When the government throws you in jail for saying that you're hungry, and that there is not enough food...
When all of a sudden your wages which were once the highest in Latin America, are now down to double digits per month if you are a Doctor...

When you're forced to attend daily propaganda meetings, when you're rounded up by the authorities in the middle of the night because all of a sudden everyone must contribute in order to meet the yearly quota of sugar cane production...

When these actions as well as countless other totalitarian measures are shoved down your throat Bryon, we'll see then who is clueless as to why so many Cuban Americans Hate The GOVERNMENT OF CUBA and NOT CUBA ITSELF!!! IT IS VERY CLEAR WHO IS THE ONE THAT IS OBVIOUSLY CLUELESS!!!

Parent - By uphill (***) Date 09-05-2009 22:11 Edited 09-06-2009 02:08
I think you confuse getting along with smootching the starfish and buying off the powers that be to allow you to be called an ally.  Bankrolling stupidity is going on with this congress and the few who will benifit from Americas demise.  Get a big boat and fill it with all of the America bashing inbreads, now send it to one of these "model" counties and make them support the deadheads and loosers. Good chance they wont get to land or get out of the boat short of being blown out of the water in some failed military bo-bo.

You have a twisted point on kastro , I imagine its hard to see why one comunist country cant be money grubbing scum together. We are afterall being marched down the road to rebellion and more. I suppose that our brainless government will try and shoot us in the allies like happens to anyone suspected of badmouthing kastro.

If I hated my line of work, home life or my country of choice I would get on the road. Think there is a pot of gold on the other side of the outhouse?  Must be corn season again.

Seriously Bryon you do write some far fetched friction.

Here fishy fishy.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 09-08-2009 13:22
Bryon, I try to keep up with most of the goings on in these Oh so enlightened conversations and I have to admit on occasion you have put forth a few worth while arguments.

However this string has me wondering just what are you about. This rhetoric concerning Cuba is off character to say the least. Are you (and I hope you are) just being facetious?

Were you even alive or old enough to remember Cuba before Castro? I am and things were far better for the average Cuban than today.

“That is the problem with America, its on such a high-horse that they can't see eye to eye with anyone else.  Its a generational hatred that is showed towards Cuba and no one has a clue why they hate them,”

Those 2 statements are BOLD FACE LIES! But even if it were true, there is reason’s that you don’t even understand. Who do you know that hates Cubans? Or is the hatred coming from you?

As far as I know the average American is up to his eyes fighting off Alligators and Bill collectors and would like to have little time to enjoy their short visit to this planet. They have no power to improve or make worse the plight of other nations but all most to a Man or Woman when they see other people suffering, they (we) give and we die for them like no other country on this planet.

You “High Horse” rhetoric is just that.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 09-09-2009 00:07
I dont know anyone very well thats ever visited Cuba since the 60's but it looks beatiful. If I could ever afford a vacation going there would be on the short list. My wifes Aunt is married to a refuge from Cuba who got out in the 60's. He speaks of the horrors that Kastro put the people through. I dont know much about the whys and why nots concerning the travel restrictions but many Americans were saved much trouble by not going there according to him.  The Old Cuba was a good place even though it was primative by US standards. That in itself would be a good reason to go there.  

Bryon likes to see swirls in the moat from someone going under. Maybe its just friction.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-09-2009 04:17
   I have met quite a few people who have been to Cuba to visit. I had the opportunity to go Myself, on My own boat and on anothers. I didn't go, but those who went to visit generally did enjoy it. Most went there to, and did enjoy the abundance of available {young} women. One guy had some problems with "red tape" by not entering at an official port of entry, but everyone had told Him where He had to enter. Another has been living there rather permanantly, in jail. He doesn't like it at all.

    Another friend went on official business, and met with Fidel Castro - not for a drink on the beach. He didn't care for Him AT ALL.

  Cuba under Batista was good for the wealthy, but extremely exploitive of everyone else, the masses. A nice place to visit, but not a nice place to live for most of the population.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 09-09-2009 12:31
The "60's" were my teen age years living just out of Detroit and had friends who's parents had concerns in Cuba not necessarily legal concerns but they went back and forth often.

As often as not they brought guest (families) to stay for weeks and I got to know most of them. I was treated like family and thought the world of my friend’s family. The old adage "ignorance is bliss" is so very true and had I or my parents known more about them I would never been allowed to hang around.

My friend had been lots of times and I was invited but not allowed by my folks. Heard lots of great things from many different people but I have to admit knowing today what I had no understanding of back then (probably would not have cared too much if I had).

Thinking back on those days sometimes really amazes me of just how ignorant I was. I guess it was providence that we moved away or I honestly think I may have taken up very different occupation and life style like my friend.

I know from conversations I heard that the Cuban Government was corrupt. But isn’t that nature? Corruption is inevitable.
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