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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WPS qualification
- - By vittorio (*) Date 09-04-2009 08:32

I've a simple question.. Is it possible to qualify a WPS for a SMAW (root + fill) based on a  PQR that is qualified for GTAW (root) + SMAW (fill)? 
I've checked on ASME IX but i can't find any info...

thanks in advance

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 09-04-2009 12:41
Try ASME Section IX QW-200.2.
Parent - - By vittorio (*) Date 09-07-2009 12:17
thanks, i've found the answer in ASME Interpretations, maybe someone else is interested:

"Question: A combination weld process PQR was qualified using the GTAW for the root pass, SMAW,
and SAW. May this PQR support aWPS for welding with only one or two of the processes shown on the PQR?
Reply: Yes, provided the following are met:
(a) The remaining essential, nonessential, and supplementary essential variables, when applicable, are
(b) The base metal and deposited weld metal thickness limits of QW-451 are applied"

Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 09-08-2009 07:24
Be careful with the way you are reading the interpretation.
Your SMAW from the GTAW/SMAW PQR is cosidered welding with backing. (The GTAW is backing for the SMAW)
Therefore you cannot put an open root in with SMAW unless you are going to backgrind/backgouge and weld the second side.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 09-08-2009 10:55
Shane, hate to disagree with you mate.  Please see QW-253 for SMAW and QW-402.4 shows deletion of backing to be a nonessential variable.  Now, that said, if we were to delete backing for performance qualification, that would be an essential variable.
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 09-08-2009 11:00
My apologies guys,
I must have my mind on other things here in Thailand. LOL !!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WPS qualification

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