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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / “A Common Field One Day…
- By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-06-2009 13:14 Edited 09-06-2009 20:21
A Field of Honor Forever”, to build the Flight 93 National Memorial.  This is a cause we should all embrace!!! These passengers were amongst the first HEROES along with the firefighters, the police officers from the NYPD, Port Authority, Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, staff members of the Pentagon and countless others who made the ultimate sacrifice in the beginning hours of the war on terror!!!

And if anyone thinks that the war is over, you better think again because the youngsters, the farmers, the construction workers, the office workers, the EMT's, Law enforcement officers, Doctors, lawyers (Yeah! even a few of them!!!), nurses, cooks, laundry workers, dishwashers, the sanitation workers, mechanics, welders (Last but NOT least!!!) and many other occupations that make up all of the returning veterans from Iraq, and Afganistan are mostly going back to fight in Afganistan and, are making sacrifices day in, and day out so we can live a life of Freedom that some of us take for granted and one or two who may think that we don't even have Freedom anymore!!!

To those few I say MALE COW EXCREMENT!!! The only reason why we still have Freedom today is because of the sacrifices that ordinary people from all walks of life have given to protect those Freedoms that most of us cherish so dearly!!! We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to these men, women, and lets not forget their families also, who serve for us so that we can go on with our daily lives... And we all owe an even greater debt of gratitude to the men, women, and their families who have made, and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our Liberty and this is why Freedom is NOT FREE!!!

Which brings me back to the United Flight 93 National Memorial Foundation...

Does anyone know that after eight years since the Ironically cloudless - sunny day of September 11th, 2001, there still is NOT a permanent national memorial anywhere for the HEROES of that fateful day!!! All we have are TEMPORARY memorials such as Ground Zero  down in lower Manhattan at the former site of the World Trade Center, and a temporary memorial at the crash site in Shanksville, Pennsyvania where the crash of United Flight 93 took place, and the first combatants as well as war heroes made their ultimate sacrifice by forcing the terrorist hijackers to crash the plane before it could go on to it's intended target which might have been the White House, or the Capital Building, or to possibly turn the plane towards Pittsburgh where I was at the time and crash it there which was only a few minutes away in flight time!!!

There is NO DOUBT in my mind whatsoever that the Pilots, Stewardesses, and Passengers on board United Flight 93 saved countless lives that day
on September 11th, 2001 by forcing the terrorist hijackers to crash the plane on A Common Field One Day which became a Field of Honor Forever!!!

If you agree that there should at the very least, have a Permanent National Memorial for these First War Heroes of the War on Terror, then please take a minute or two of your time just to look into these links I provided, and see what you can do to contribute in the goal of ultimately constructing and opening a Permanent National Memorial for the men and women of United Flight 93!!! This is what they DESERVE!!! So please visit the sites below and, see if you want to get involved in one way or another!!! ;) Oh yeah and one more thing folks... Please don't let politics get in the way of your decision!!! God Bless you all!!! And may God Bless AMERICA ALWAYS!!! ;) ;)

By the way, I'm going to Shanksville, PA near the crash site as well as to Heinz Field later on Friday next week on September 11th, 2009 to honor the HEROES near the crash site, and to help out by being a very small part of the tremendous amount of volunteering effort in the Greater Pittsburgh Region to do the RIGHT THING by assisting in the various fund raising efforts with the ultimate goal of having a PERMANENT NATIONAL MEMORIAL in Shanksville, PA for the HEROES of United Fight 93... Please tune in to NBC on Friday and watch for yourselves to see why this is so important that:

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / “A Common Field One Day…

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