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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Need a fine current control / rheostat for a 1958 SA200
- - By chandlerW (*) Date 09-10-2009 01:52
I have a rheostat that has 3 broken wires. I need to find a good used one that won't set me back a huge amount of $$
You can email me at
Parent - By richgar06 (**) Date 09-10-2009 05:31
larry at weldmart has them for a good price
Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 09-11-2009 12:35
$89 new rheostat
$11.07 new knob
Parent - By hondakitty2 (*) Date 10-15-2009 13:31
Bill's sells that cheap Profax Chinese rheosat! we had so much trouble withthe wires coming loose we dropped them. call Barbara @ Weldmart 800-460-6474-they are having their rheostats custom made -good price and a two warranty. the guy you talk to (can't remember his name-does a great Clinton) seem to know what is going on. He even has repair parts for his rheostats!
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Need a fine current control / rheostat for a 1958 SA200

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