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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Opinions on this wage
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-11-2009 18:18
OK I received an offer from a place in the Tulsa OK area, about 20 minutes away from Tulsa. It is a visual inspection D1.1 position on second shift. 21 per hour, no relocation covered, pay own insurance.

What your opinion of this wage?

jrw159 :-)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-11-2009 18:40
Sounds to low to me, but I don't know what your situation is.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-11-2009 19:48
My situation is getting tight. I am doing a few welder qualifications here and there that is keeping me afloat. I have a strong background in structural and have done B31 and API 1104 work and had absolutely no problem with the interpretation. I also have some excellent references on my resume.

I can and will travel or relocate. The one hindrance with relocating in the past was the wife but she has since come to the realization that one has to go where the work is. :-)

Parent - - By darren (***) Date 09-11-2009 19:08
jobs arent that common here but you would be looking around 30 to 50 an hour here +++. we just hired one and i am sure he is making at least that, pay your own insurance, wtf.

if your willing to move or travel there will be a job on here in a short while that would pay at least double and most likely triple plus benefits on these sites.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-11-2009 19:50
  I am willing to travel and relocate. Please keep my posted as I a ready to roll. Welder quals are getting scarce.

Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-12-2009 04:00
sounds low to me too, second shift should even pay more, but if your hungry, 21 puts dinner on your table. I've never been to OK so not sure what the cost of living is,where I'm at, I'm sure its considerably higher. could be good for the area. I thought you were doing good where your at?
Parent - By preston davis (**) Date 09-12-2009 04:25
21 aint to bad of a wage for okla, but tulsa cost of living is higher than okc, if you could live outside city limits, wont be so bad
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-14-2009 20:21
Here is a real winner. They are offering $20 per hour for CWI with UT level II and $17 to $18 per hour for CWI with PT and MT level II. Oh and it is second shift. LOL

Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 09-12-2009 14:41
2nd shift would allow for some travel to nearby interviews in the daytime.  I would have no ethical concerns about taking a job like that and then keeping up the search.  You might be able to tell people you are contracting on your own or something if they want to know why you are out looking.  That sounds like a contract set-up to me with no benefits and a low-ball contract at that.  That company needs to learn that they need to ante up the compensation if they expect to keep good people around.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-12-2009 15:21
Yeah, that is what I am thinking. I guess all in all it is not too bad for visual inspection only. For 21 an hour they get me and my CWI cert and nothing else. They will have to provide all inspection tools, camera, code book, documentation forms and I will not utilize my PT & MT level II cert's or my safety background. I will keep myself safe but I will not be involved in the safety program. No welder training. In short, I will be a basic visual quality inspector. No stress, no mess. LOL

Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-13-2009 03:27
When I first got my CWI the companies that did our inspections offered me "mid twenties" with good benefits here in NC. I wasn't looking at the time mainly got the CWI to help out in house. Personally, I think you should get much more than that but in this economy and the shortage of jobs...Good luck to you and I hope a better offer comes your way, soon.
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 09-15-2009 00:09
Doggone it that's all I ever provide even if I'm getting more an hour???  Maybe it's my Union upbringing but I don't bring my tools to a job unless I have written assurance they'll be replaced if broken, stolen or lost.  As for code books I've got some stuff on my memory stick but it's not really up to date, everyone I've worked for has a library or a subscription to techstreet or whatever that online deal is called.  I've also never provided my own camera ( I have used my phone occasionally).  But then again I was kind of a prima donna welder too. . . . .maybe I'm a prima donna inspector???  ROFLMAO
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-15-2009 00:51 Edited 09-15-2009 01:14
I am pretty big on having my own support. I also have the habit of going big. I have my preferred brand of safety glasses that I purchase if the company does not want to, and while the price difference is not much, most companies refuse. I have, not trying to brag, but a pretty extensive AWS code library (only most frequently used are current revisions) as well as general welding. I also use molded ear plugs that I pay for exactly the same way I do my eye protection. I have, maybe not the best, but pretty much every weld inspection gauge needed for visual inspection (I need to get my UT cert and a machine). I have about $600 of fall protection equipment that ranges from a top of the line "SALA" harness to my el-cheapo back up, and a fall suppression/shock absorbing lanyard for each as well as 3 assorted length attachment cables. All of them inspected and OSHA compliant. Laptop, cell phone, camera, welding hood, and  gas monitor.

Pics of my back up rig. Yes, tungsten.


Attachment: 100_1563.JPG (0B)
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 09-15-2009 15:16
Nice stuff.  I have been comparing cameras and I am planning to get a nice one for a write-off this year but I haven't settled on one yet.  I did buy a lot of guages, mirrors, and lighted mirrors etc. when I started but I've found I use only a couple on a regular basis.  I may buy another laptop this year for a write-off also,  I've been considering one of those little ones from AT&T that only runs 200 but you have to buy their wireless contract for 60 a month for 2 yrs.  Unfortunately it is built in not on an aircard, but they are really a convenient size and the coverage seems really good.  Right now it is a mute point as I'm on unemployment myself.  There is really no CWI work here in Colorado so I'm going to HVAC-R school until I find out the results of my pending divorce/custody battle.  If I get joint custody I may have to give up the road life and do tech work at home til my baby girl is out of school in a few years,  we'll see.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-15-2009 15:48
I had looked at those laptops as well. For me I see both good and bad. Good portability but kind of hard to get used to typing on. Low memory capability so thumb drives or external hard drive needed. I think I would go with something along the lines of HP's tablet's.

It is the same for me with my gauges. I only use a few on a regular basis but when the need arises the others are there and that is a good feeling to be able to open the case and have anything I need for any circumstance. 

I hear you about CO CWI work. There is some but not much. The only recent hit I had out of CO was a travel position the company was based out of CO but work was all over the States. When the western slope slowed down like it did, I headed to TX.

Good luck with the pending "battle".

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-22-2009 01:40
Found my detector. :-) I found it with a pair of clear safety glasses, a steel rule, a set of fillet gauges in another "kit" I thought was in CO.

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-02-2009 01:18 Edited 10-02-2009 01:50
Here is my SALA unit. The extra hook is for a "tag line" and it can be used as a "last resort" in the unfortunate event of an accident/failure. I do not have a line to it because I will ask for new at every inspection, I usually request five feet with approved ends. All my equipment has been inspected to the highest levels and I will have it done again if the time between inspection exceeds the limits.

Short story, I am not gonna hit the ground!!

Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-13-2009 02:37
NDE/Quality assurance rates in new england are around 25.00 30.00 Hr with insurance.
its hard to give a realistic opinion as i dont know the cost of living in that  area, But i know that when my old shop moved to TX i was asked to go and i would have been livin large at my pay.
The insurance is a real downer in the offer, id only take it if i exausted all other options.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Opinions on this wage

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