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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A Day of Service?
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-11-2009 23:07
How dare the O call today a day of community service!What kind of service Achorns..........Whats 911 a code day for the commie revo**tion.
Today is not a day of service Today is a day of Remembrance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loathe the news media for saying today was a day service.
It was a day when we learned a hard lesson… that lesson was, they were out to get us and they did.
I will never forget them
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 09-11-2009 23:55
Yeah, this administration is killing me. This day is what it is. LEAVE IT ALONE OBAMA!!
Peace to everyone who personally lost someone that day, and the rest of us who cried as it happened.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-12-2009 00:06
I listened to old news reels today, i was almost brought to tears, i remember.
Every one lost was my family if only for a moment.
Im heart broken.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 09-12-2009 03:10
Just watched the replay of the attack of the World Trade Center. The images of the people clinging to the outside of the bld before jumping to escape the heat rips a whole through you. One of the cameraman said after filming two people jumping from the top of one of the blds he turned of his camera and wept.

In my case it has opened the old memories of that day. I would love to have not seen such acts of hatred in my lifetime. Since that day I have become colder , more calculating and hopefully not reckless. I would however liked to have seen the exacution of all those responsable on pay per view and given the money to the victoms families. Cold I know but warrented.

Comunity service is picking garbage from the park  or beer cans from a ditch.(court ordered)

May God Not have mercy on the crazed bombers. Let them suffer.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-13-2009 02:12 Edited 09-13-2009 02:45
Are you men referring to the "man caused disaster carried out by freedom fighters that resulted in an overseas contingency plan" now comencerated with a "NATIONAL day of service"?

Change you can believe in has arrived!!

edit: to my knowledge freedom fighter is not a term used by this administration...yet. The other terms are used by this administration, we don't want to offend anyone.

By the by: Yesterday I heard the 911 call by the woman as she was burning up. They can try to redefine it all they want but it will always be the day we were attacked by radical Islamist terrorist who hate us because we are Americans that are free. Free to worship any or no God or even the Devil or a tree or a whale or the sun. Our country and others similar to us have prospered because we are free to live our lives without a repressive religion or government to dictate their demands on us...
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-13-2009 02:30
I’m livid! That  the main stream media is brining race into the 9/12 gathering in DC?
God bless those men and women standing up against this Massive corruption and Government tyranny.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-13-2009 03:13
Yea, this is getting old!!
The Sal Alinsky strategy.
Everyone that disagrees with the president is a racist.
But just a couple of years ago "Dissent was the highest form of patriotism"     (Not a fan of the funny faces. I'm not trying to make fun of Hillary just needed the audio)

IMO the false branding will not work. People see the government taking over many huge industries and are worried. Banks, lending, auto,, will be energy.
We've heard the left say that they will nationalize industries if they don't bow to this administration. (Maxine Waters) Cap salaries, demonize certain industries (oil, insurance, Wall Street) and individuals that don't walk in lock step, calling them immoral, liars, hate mongers, Nazis, mobsters, un American, KKK, undermining America and yes, racist. It's one thing if Keith Ogerman(MSNBC) says those things but everyone of those have been said by our elected officials. Many by high ranking ones.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-13-2009 03:31
The libs have always been good at accusing people of racisim, hate talk..ect, but they are not good  at hiding thier own sins
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-14-2009 02:28
I was watching HLN (Headline News) this morning and the reporter called the crowd (9/12 protesters in DC) a lynch mob fueled by racism and where was the protest of Bush after the Patriot act.

A couple of points; Bush passed the Patriot act after 9/11 to try to prevent another attack against America. Many people protested the gubments invasion of their privacy. That is/was their right.
Now for the rest of the story; Bush didn't say that he was going to fundamentally transform America. Bush didn't take over the banking, auto, healthcare, energy sectors.
Most of the debt incurred under Bush was war related. Was it necessary? Many people didn't think so and voted to change the leadership in America having had enough of Republicans. Protest were abundant and very spirited. How many times have you heard, "Bush lied and people died?" Pics of Bush/Hitler together. Heck, they did that with McCain. Madonna had the McCain/Hitler picture in her concerts this time last year.
We get it. People did not like Bush. Didn't call them racist. It is/was their constitutional right to protest then and now.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 09-14-2009 10:27
Funny how the wacked out leftist commies have shifted from anti war to pro healthcare aint it? The same old diaper wearing blue hairs in St Cloud MN were out in farce this wekend. Big signs about how great it would be if all the healthcare you could use was free to all who make under $250,000?  The real reason wouldnt be that "O" is escalating Afganistan would it? Why am I a racist if I dont like current politicions, most of them are not black. The "white" ones are most of the problem but the bigger problem is the $ignature on the final Bill. I dont care what color the president is, just the deforming of American freedoms and values.

The geritol must be the pay for all of that sidewalk blocking.

Bush made mistakes like every President, hell even"O" has a list of "shame on you's" that will be written in future history books. Thank God or whatever you think that the D- party was not in the white house( how long will that name stand?) when the USA was attacked by the murderous Muslim's . We would more than likely have a new national holiday to remember the hijackers work.

To all of those who dont like America = Either leave or don't come here at all. Trying to make someplace fit your needs and beliefs is not worth the resulting civil uprising. It didnt work out too well for Hitler, Stalin, Musalini ect...
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-13-2009 12:32
Repressive religion?  Secularism has it's short comings, eventually.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A Day of Service?

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