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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Cracking of welds on plated weldments
- - By - Date 06-14-2000 20:29
Help! We are welding a length of 1020 steel 3/8 X 3/4 inch thick to a piece of rectangular tubing 1" X 2" x 1/8" wall using the GMAW process. The process parameters are 22 Volts , 160 Amps 95% Argon 5 % Oxygen shielding gas and trying to get a 4 mm fillet weld. This part then goes out to be plated with Zink Di-chromate. We are seeing cracks "underbead" and "root" in our cut and etch samples. Where can I find information on the relationships between cracking and plating of welded assemblies???? Thanx to all! Tim Tompkins or I also have pic'ts of the cracks "micro & macro" if you need to see them.
Parent - By - Date 06-15-2000 11:07
Send me your pics I have done some analysis in that area. JOSEPHD@TACOM.ARMY.MIL
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Cracking of welds on plated weldments

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